Operations Management Board

Phone meeting (Universe)

Phone meeting


EVO instructions
minutes (doc)
minutes (pdf)
    • 10:30 11:30
      Review of EMI 1.0 requirements 1h
      Requirements EMI 1.0
      Update requirements EMI-1 v4
      Updated EMI 1.0 requirements (version 3.0)
    • 11:30 12:30
      Review of EMI 2.0 middleeware requirements 1h
    • 12:30 12:50
      Review of results from survey 20m

      Survey overview:

      13 NGIs provided feedback.

      1. Requested supported platforms.
      a. CentOS, and in descending order of priority Ubuntu and Debian.
      b. Solaris for disk servers is felt to be important for large resource centres (Ibergrid, Switzerland).
      c. For clients: Win7,OSX for clients (requested by Sweden)

      2. gLite Cluster:
      a. 67% of NGIs with heterogeneous clusters of WNs in the farm
      b. 61% of NGIs had difficulties with capacity publishing
      c. 38% of NGIs willing to deploy gLite Cluster. More sites interested if available for CREAM and other compute implementations.

      The OMB recommends sites to try the component with CREAM (manual configuration needed and instructions will be available). OMB recommends EMI to support this capability.

    • 12:50 13:00
      AOB 10m
      1. Proposal: start of future OMB meetings anticipated to 10.00 am (AMS time)