2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


EGI Core Services Roadmap - Part 1

3 Nov 2020, 13:15
(Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3)

(Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3)


EGI Core Services Roadmap - Part 1

  • Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)


The EGI Core Services is a set of central services that supports the operation of the distributed end-user services of the EGI federation. The Core services act as ‘the glue’ that keeps the data and compute centres together, and make them manageable and usable as integrated sites.

The Core services include:
- Accounting service - EGI Accounting stores user accounting records from various services offered by EGI, such as Cloud, HTC and storage usage.
- Configuration database - supports management of the configuration information of federated e-infrastructure assets and their functional relations.
- Helpdesk - Single point of contact to ask for support for any service or location across the EGI Federation.
- Messaging service - A backend service which enables the scalable transfer of messages between arbitrary service components
- Monitoring service - Service to enable monitoring of the performance of services across the EGI Federation.
- Operations Portal - Central portal for operations management of the EGI federated infrastructure providing a comprehensive array of management and communication tools

The plans for extending the capabilities of these services will be presented and discussed in this double-session. At the end of each talk there will be the opportunity to collect further requirements and to discuss prioritisations of the planned activities. The session is relevant to NGI managers and operators, resource centre administrators, scientific communities and users who want to learn about the EGI Core services, who want to provide their feedback on the aforementioned services, and want to influence their development plans.

Presentation materials

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