EGI-ACE public launch event


Meeting ID: 841 0887 4732 Passcode: 668261
Gergely Sipos (

This is the public launch event of the EGI Advanced Computing for EOSC (EGI-ACE) project.

In this EC project funded leveraging the existing capacity and capabilities of the EGI Federation members, EGI is tasked to deliver the EOSC Compute Platform and to contribute to the EOSC Data Commons through a federation of Cloud compute and storage facilities, PaaS services and data spaces with analytics tools and federated access services.

The event is open for any user and compute provider who is interested how to use/benefit from the EOSC Compute Platform. Registration to the event is free and compulsory (See button below).

EGI-ACE empowers researchers from all disciplines to collaborate in data- and compute-intensive research across borders through free at point of use services. Building on the distributed computing integration in EOSC-hub, it delivers the EOSC Compute Platform and contributes to the EOSC Data Commons through a federation of Cloud compute and storage facilities, PaaS services and data spaces with analytics tools and federated access services.

The Platform is built on the EGI Federation, the largest distributed computing infrastructure for research. The Platform pools the capacity of some of Europe’s largest research data centres, leveraging ISO compliant federated service management. Over 30 months, it will provide more than 82 M CPU hours and 250 K GPU hours for data processing and analytics, and 45 PB/month to host and exploit research data. EGI-ACE services address the needs of major research infrastructures and communities of practice. The Platform advances beyond the state of the art through a data-centric approach, where data, tools and compute and storage facilities form a fully integrated environment accessible across borders thanks to Virtual Access.

The Platform offers heterogeneous systems to meet different needs, including state of the art GPGPUs and accelerators supporting AI and ML, making the Platform an ideal innovation space for AI applications. The data spaces and analytics tools are delivered in collaboration with tens of research infrastructures and projects, to support use cases for Health, the Green Deal, and fundamental sciences. The consortium builds on the expertise and assets of the EGI federation members, key research communities and data providers, and collaborating initiatives.

Connection details will be sent to registered participants. 

EGI-ACE Project Office