7th TCB meeting (F2F)

Meeting room 3.15 (EGI.eu)

Meeting room 3.15


140 Science Park 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands
EGI.eu new premises:
The next TCB meeting will take place at EGI.eu's new premises at Science Park 140 (though on the same campus). http://go.egi.eu/EGILocation shows the new location on the campus; it is just a bit further down the road in the white-ish building you will see on the StreetView page.

Building entry procedures:
With the relocation to the new building, we also changed landlord and thus building entry procedures:
  1. The main entrance is in the middle of the angled building
  2. The entrance has two doors; the first door is open during office hours, the second door requires you to ring the door bell for the receptionist to open it for you.
  3. Please sign in and out at the reception on the left hand side of the hallway.
  4. EGI.eu is situated on the third floor; feel free to use the stairs, or the lift.
Wireless/Internet access:
EGI.eu now has its own Wireless LAN; no more MAC address registration etc. is required. SSID: "EGI.eu" Password: "@ccess2Grid"

Dial-in details
    • Opening/Administrativa
      Convener: Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
    • Actions review

      Review of action items - please see the minutes of last meeting for an up to date list.

      Convener: Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
    • Review of Requirements management process


      A necessary document update will be circulated today.

      Convener: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
      Process issues PSolagna
    • Feedback on & status of existing requirements

      EMI, IGE, SAGA: Provide a document with progress report on existing and endorsed requirements
      EGI.eu (Steve, Tiziana): Provide a document with new requirements for Technology Providers

      Conveners: Alberto Di Meglio (EMI), Balazs Konya (EMI project), Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU), Stephen Crouch (University of Southampton), Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      LRMS survey results
      OMB requirements
      UCB Contribution
    • EGI Capabilities: Information Model and Information Discovery

      Discuss the options and possibilities of the achievable level of integration from different Technology Providers (particularly EMI and IGE)

      Convener: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
    • Update on Release schedules & performance

      Updates on Technology Provider release schedules - please provide material for this session.

      Review of the release performance of Technology Providers

      Convener: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
    • 12:30
    • Accounting Task Force

      Terms of Reference, Status update, Next steps

      Convener: Peter Solagna (EGI.EU)
      Accounting TF Mandate
    • Virtualisation Task Force

      set-up, members, terms of reference etc.

      Convener: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
    • StratusLab Clouds, and VM Releases

      Discuss the road ahead for appliance releases, StratusLab clouds and SA2 QC Verification VM releases

      Convener: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
    • 15:00
      Coffee break
    • UMD Roadmap & Sustainability

      Discuss the current UMD Roadmap draft, and the impact on sustainability for EGI and the Technology Provider

      Convener: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
      D5.4 - EGI Technology Roadmap
    • AOB

      Requested topic(s):
      a) Status assessment of IPv6 compliance activities carried out by the Technology Providers
      b) Discuss and agree the process of assignment of ETA to middleware tickets in GGUS.

      Convener: Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)