. Review of open actions
. CERN top-BDII usage policy: sites are requires to use the local authoritative top-BDII according to their NGI/EIRO affiliation.
. UMD 1.4.0 released on 19/12/2012:
gLite Platform (Provided by EMI):
• Compute services:
• MPI Utils 1.1.0
• GFAL/lcg_util v.1.11.19
• Storage services:
• StoRM 1.8.0
• Operations services:
• APEL publisher 3.2.8
• Client tools:
• GFAL/lcg_util v.1.11.19 (re-used in compute services)
Globus platform (Provided by IGE):
• Default security 5.0.4-2 (commonly used across all services)
• GridFTP 5.0.4-2 (File Transfer)
• RLS 5.0.4-2 (Metadata Catalogue)
• GSISSH 4.3.3 (Interactive Job Access)
• MyProxy 5.4.4 (Credential Management)
Updates for APEL parsers, GE Utils, CEMon, BLAH and CREAM will be included in a later UMD release to a memory leak found in BLAH.
DrTiziana Ferrari(EGI.EU)
UMD 1.4.0
Sustainability of EGI operations: SA1 contribution to the EGI Sustainability workshop
Announcement of NGI survey about:
- NGI evaluation of EGI.eu Global Services
- Assessment of NGI operational services, costs, sustainability after 2014
- NGI operations priorities for 2012
DrTiziana Ferrari(EGI.EU)
EGI Sustainability Workshop
Survey on EGI Global Services
Survey on NGI Int. Services and sustainability
Word version of surveys
OMB Calendar 2012
24 JAN (full day, f2f, Amsterdam)
28 FEB (phone meeting)
MARCH: f2f meeting, co-located with the community forum, day not defined yet
24 APR (phone meeting)
29 MAY (phone meeting)
26 JUNE (phone meeting)
24 JULY (phone meeting)