Operations Management Board (20 December)



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      . Review of open actions . CERN top-BDII usage policy: sites are requires to use the local authoritative top-BDII according to their NGI/EIRO affiliation. . UMD 1.4.0 released on 19/12/2012: gLite Platform (Provided by EMI): • Compute services: • MPI Utils 1.1.0 • GFAL/lcg_util v.1.11.19 • Storage services: • StoRM 1.8.0 • Operations services: • APEL publisher 3.2.8 • Client tools: • GFAL/lcg_util v.1.11.19 (re-used in compute services) Globus platform (Provided by IGE): • Default security 5.0.4-2 (commonly used across all services) • GridFTP 5.0.4-2 (File Transfer) • RLS 5.0.4-2 (Metadata Catalogue) • GSISSH 4.3.3 (Interactive Job Access) • MyProxy 5.4.4 (Credential Management) Updates for APEL parsers, GE Utils, CEMon, BLAH and CREAM will be included in a later UMD release to a memory leak found in BLAH.
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      UMD 1.4.0
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      Sustainability of EGI operations: SA1 contribution to the EGI Sustainability workshop
      Announcement of NGI survey about: - NGI evaluation of EGI.eu Global Services - Assessment of NGI operational services, costs, sustainability after 2014 - NGI operations priorities for 2012
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      EGI Sustainability Workshop
      Survey on EGI Global Services
      Survey on NGI Int. Services and sustainability
      Word version of surveys
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      OMB Calendar 2012
      24 JAN (full day, f2f, Amsterdam) 28 FEB (phone meeting) MARCH: f2f meeting, co-located with the community forum, day not defined yet 24 APR (phone meeting) 29 MAY (phone meeting) 26 JUNE (phone meeting) 24 JULY (phone meeting)
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
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      FOR APPROVAL: New list of OPERATIONS metrics
      org.nagios.BDII-Check, org.sam.CREMCE-DirectJobSubmit, hr.srce.LB-CertLifetime, hr.srce.MyProxy-Store, org.nagios.GridFTP-Check, org.sam.WMS-JobSubmit
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
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      FOR APPROVAL: Plan for registration of NGI services in GOCDB
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
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      FOR APPROVAL: change in profile for A/R EGI statistics
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      Profile comparison
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      FOR APPROVAL: followup of UKNOWN test results
      Speaker: Malgorzata Krakowian (CYFRONET)
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      Results of survey: SLURM support in CREAM
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)