Alessandro Paolini (
Daniel Kouřil CSIRT
Dave Kelsey (Security)
Di Qing(ROC_Canada)
Dimitri (NGI_DE)
Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
Eric Yen (ASGC)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Ian Neilson (STFC)
Ievgen Sliusar (NGI_UA)
Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)
Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)
Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
Linda Cornwall (Security)
Luis Alves (CSC/NGI_FI)
Miroslav Ruda (CESNET)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)
Peter Solagna (
Vincent Brillault (EGI CSIRT)
Vincenzo Spinoso (
Andrzej Zemła (NGI_PL)
Sven Gabriel (Security)
Topics discussed in the contribution:
Comments and actions discussed during the meeting:
Report from Vincent B. about ARGUS monitoring
Vincenzo S. reported on the updates for UMD3 and UMD4 being prepared
Peter S. presented the new version of the RP and RC OLAs that are currently in DRAFT. The main change in these OLAs is the more precise specification of the services in-scope for the agreement:
Services registered in GOCDB and in the "EGI" scope.
In addition a new OLA has been added to the framework the Corporate OLA. It is applicable to all the production services, also the ones not covered in the RP and RC OLAs. The important information is that the corporate OLA does not add more requirements that were not in the RP/RC OLA, all the requirements are superseded by the RC/RP OLA. In case there will be changes in the Corporate OLA, OMB and affected service providers will be timely notified.
The goal is to discuss for approval the RP/RC OLA in the next OMB, unless there will be feedback that require a longer discussion.
[Action] All NGIs: Provide feedback until July 20th
All the testing of central monitoring performed in the last three months have been successful. The plan is to switch to central monitoring on Friday July 1st.
One problem presented during the meeting is about PROC08. CREAM-CE will be tested with new probes, which were not integrated following PROC08. This would have been impossible to implement without depoying a new SAM update at NGI level, which would have been an enormous overhead for a very little to gain. The proposal of Emir is to make an exception for PROC08 based on the good results obtained in the tests so far, and to use the new monitoring of CREAM from July 1st. This information was unfortunatley not provided before to OMB.
Note: New probes will test CA distribution on the CE not on the WN anymore. Make sure that also CEs are upgraded with new CAs (as it should be anyways).
Note: With central monitoring cloud monitoring is added to the ROC_CRTICAL profile for the A/R calculation, as agreed in May OMB.
[Action]: All ROD teams should pay particular attention to ARGO monitoring in the first days/weeks of July to spot possible problems.
ARGO team is committing to be available to quickly solve problems and support NGIs.
EGI provided an extensive description of the problems that non publishing services in the information system will raise to EGI operations. These information will be provided to WLCG GDB meetingin July.
The OMB decision is that NGI should encourage their sites not to remove their SEs, or any service currently published, from the information system, even if supporting only LHC VOs.
Vincenzo S. presented some information collected through an initial discussion with glidein-WMS and DIRAC. The major limit of both systems is the fact that jobs are submitted to pilots and the infrastructure services do not have information about the real users.
Linda C. Asked about the EGI plans for RFC Proxies.
Kostas K. reported to the OMB that the services for the certification of new sites are planned to be decommissioned. NGIs should check with their teams if there is still need of these services. Ops tools should be flexible enough to allow certification without custom BDIIs or WMS.
[Action]: provide feedback to EGI Operations or the catch-all services provider about this topic.