Barton Miller
(University of Wisconsin-Madison), Dr
Elisa Heymann
(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
19/09/2011, 09:00
The security of software is becoming increasingly important to anyone who uses or develops it. This tutorial will teach developers how to proactively reduce the number
of vulnerabilities in their software.
This tutorial examines coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities by describing more than many types of vulnerabilities with examples of how they commonly
arise, and techniques to...
Mingchao Ma
19/09/2011, 09:00
Detail agenda:
Dorine Fouossong
19/09/2011, 11:00
Barton Miller
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Elisa Heymann
19/09/2011, 11:00
The security of software is becoming increasingly important to anyone who uses or develops it. This tutorial will teach developers how to proactively reduce the number
of vulnerabilities in their software.
This tutorial examines coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities by describing more than many types of vulnerabilities with examples of how they commonly
arise, and techniques to...
Mario Reale
19/09/2011, 11:00
Olivier Lenormand
19/09/2011, 11:05
Paul Miller
19/09/2011, 11:30
For more than a decade, dCache now accompanies high energy physics and other communities in their needs of storing, transferring and accessing their ever increasing amount of data. Having started with the focus on large tape archives in front of relatively small disk caches (hence the name) the computing models, the required access protocols as well as the underlying storage and hardware...
Mario Reale
19/09/2011, 11:30
Domenico Vicinanza
19/09/2011, 11:40
Ricardo Rocha,
Ricardo Rocha
19/09/2011, 11:45
The Disk Pool Manager (DPM) is a lightweight solution for disk storage
management. It provides an easy way to manage and configure disk
pools, and exposes multiple interfaces for data access and control. It
is used in production in more than 200 sites, serving communities like
HEP and Biomed, among many others.
In the last months we have made a big effort to provide standards
19/09/2011, 12:00
Possible topics as follow:
- Security dashboard
- SSC for NGI run
Mario Reale
19/09/2011, 12:00
In this short session we will wrap up the status of the IPv6 survey and the current outcome; we will report about the HEPiX IPv6 meeting at CERN and we will mention the option facing us w.r.t. IPv6
19/09/2011, 12:05
Michail Salichos,
Michail Salichos
19/09/2011, 12:15
Mark Santcroos
(Academic Medical Center Amsterdam)
19/09/2011, 14:00
The e-BioInfra platform provides grid workflow management and monitoring services for biomedical researchers that use the Grid for data analysis.
As Grid enablers we have assisted users with both day-to-day and long time data management for their experiments.
In this presentation we will give an overview of our experiences,
solutions and remaining challenges.
Geun Chul Park
Soonwook Hwang
Taesang Huh
19/09/2011, 14:00
AMGA has been around for more than 5 years as a gLite service to handle metadata on the Grid, and now become part of the EMI distribution intended to continue to support the metadata service requirements of the EGI user community. AMGA in the first place was designed and implemented to have in mind targeting the performance needs of the HEP community and the strict security requirements of the...
Steve Tuecke
(University of Chicago / Argonne National Laboratory)
19/09/2011, 15:19
Data movement is both a critical and frustrating aspect of computational research. For a relatively mundane task, moving terabytes of data reliably and efficiently can be surprisingly complicated, with many time-consuming manual activities required; automating these can help increase researchers' throughput. In this presentation we will provide an overview of the Globus suite of data movement...
Kostas Glinos
(Head of the European Commission’s GÉANT & e-Infrastructures unit of the Directorate General for Information Society)
20/09/2011, 09:30
Kostas Glinos will present an overview of the current policy developments at EU-level and the role of e-Infrastructures in this evolving context. He will focus on two Europe 2020 flagship initiatives, the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Innovation Union, and on the steps towards the construction of the European Research Area. He will also refer to the ongoing consultation on the successor of...
Linda Cornwall
20/09/2011, 11:00
The EGI SVG members would like to take the opportunity to have a Face to Face meeting, as many will be attending the conference. This is primarily an internal meeting, where we discuss what we do and plans. A detailed agenda will be provided nearer the time.
Steve Tuecke
(University of Chicago / Argonne National Laboratory)
20/09/2011, 11:00
Science has become increasingly computation and data intensive. The ability to locate suitable resources, access resources reliably and securely, create and manage virtual organizations spanning multiple administrative domains, and transport large quantities of data, has emerged as fundamental requirement for progress. Globus software is established as a major source of middleware delivering...
Claudio Vuerli
Horst Schwichtenberg
Jamie Shiers
(CERN), Mr
Johan Montagnat
Laura Perini
20/09/2011, 11:00
This session address sustainability in the context of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs) of EGI-InSPIRE that are supported by SA3.
For each of the communities involved, a senior user will briefly present their vision of the issues, after which we will hold a panel discussion.
The main themes to be addressed include:
- Sustainability of the discipline
- Sustainability...
Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
20/09/2011, 11:00
Sergio Andreozzi
20/09/2011, 11:00
Guenter Grein
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr
Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
20/09/2011, 11:10
Marco Fargetta
(Consorzio COMETA and INFN), Mr
Riccardo Rotondo
20/09/2011, 11:20
Science Gateways are cutting edge tools in the Grid computing world and are playing a key role in spreading the adoption and usage of this paradigm by large Virtual Research Communities mostly made by non IT-experts.
Researchers require steadily increasing computational power and data storage that are currently provided by Grid infrastructures. However, the access procedure to these...
Damir Marinovic
20/09/2011, 11:25
20/09/2011, 11:30
Guenter Grein
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr
Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
20/09/2011, 12:00
Andrea Ceccanti
Valery Tschopp
20/09/2011, 14:00
Authorization across the EMI middleware stacks (gLite, ARC and UNICORE) is currently not homogeneous, and components often have their own mechanisms of handling it. To address this inconsistency and to unify the authorization process, the Argus Authorization Service was chosen as the EMI solution.
The Argus Authorization Service renders consistent authorization decisions for distributed...
Cristina Aiftimiei
20/09/2011, 14:00
Valeria Ardizzone
20/09/2011, 14:00
The EU FP7 DECIDE ( project is focused on supporting neurologists and physicians involved in the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases in the diagnosis and prognosis and aims at enhancing user confidence by improving the reliability of the required analysis and by integrating different clinical approaches. It has been conceived to target a non-technical medical audience and...
20/09/2011, 14:00
Technology providers present their latest developments of cloud infrastructures and grid / cloud integration.
Steven Newhouse
20/09/2011, 14:00
20/09/2011, 14:05
Sergio Andreozzi
20/09/2011, 14:10
Marian Babik
20/09/2011, 14:10
Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania and INFN and COMETA)
20/09/2011, 14:15
INDICATE ( is a European Union FP7 project which aims to establish a network of common interest made up of experts and researchers in the field of e-Infrastructures and Digital Cultural Heritage. Through the network, the participants can share experience, promote standards and guidelines, and seek harmonisation of best practices and policies.
In this contribution we...
Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
20/09/2011, 14:25
Pedro Andrade
20/09/2011, 14:30
Christos Kanellopoulos
20/09/2011, 14:40
Bob Jones
20/09/2011, 14:40
Peter Kacsuk
Zoltan Farkas
20/09/2011, 14:45
The success of the open-source P-GRADE and gUSE/WS-PGRADE portal technologies have shown us that there is a big need for a generic, customizable and powerful portal solution in e-Science. In order to satisfy this demand, we aim the followings in the forthcoming EU FP7 SCI-BUS project starting in 1st of October 2011: first, the project will create and disseminate a generic distributed computing...
20/09/2011, 14:55
Emir Imamagic
20/09/2011, 15:00
Malgorzata Krakowian
20/09/2011, 15:10
Gert Svensson
Michaela Lechner
20/09/2011, 16:00
This session will tackle open issues related to the integration of GLOBUS Resource Centres into EGI. It can be viewed as an extended GLOBUS integration task force meeting but giving some more background for the benefit of occasional participant.
Welcome and introduction
Status reports
Globus in UMD
- Report from Early Adaptor, Matteo Lanati,...
Sy Holsinger
20/09/2011, 16:00
Owen Appleton
(Emergence Tech Limited), Dr
Thomas Schaaf
(LMU), Mr
Tomasz Szepieniec
20/09/2011, 16:00
This session has two core purposes: to collect feedback and experiences from EGI and NGI representatives in how they manage their Grid-based services, and to provide a vision of the emerging challenge of Grid service management and how it can be faced.
Effective service level management is critical in production Grids, as their increasing maturity means that users are demanding a greater...
Marc-Elian Begin
Pau Minoves
(i2CAT Foundation)
20/09/2011, 16:00
Several institutions and organisations are experimenting with agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban and engineering practices from XP (e.g. TDD, continuous integration), or even Lean (e.g. stop the line culture).
This session proposes a set of short experience reports, followed by a round table, perhaps in the form of an open fishbowl, where several people/projects could share their...
20/09/2011, 16:00
User communities present their experiences and plans.
Vladimir Slavnic
20/09/2011, 16:05
Danilo Dongiovanni
Enrico Fattibene
20/09/2011, 16:25
Zeev Vaxman Fisher
20/09/2011, 16:35
Andres Aeschlimann
sergio maffioletti
20/09/2011, 16:45
Daniel Kouril
20/09/2011, 17:00
Alex Szalay
(Professor of Astronomy and Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University)
21/09/2011, 09:00
Scientific computing is increasingly revolving around massive amounts of data. From physical sciences to numerical simulations to high throughput genomics and homeland security, we are soon dealing with Petabytes if not Exabytes of data. This new, data-centric computing requires a new look at computing architectures and strategies. We will revisit Amdahl's Law establishing the relation between...
Carl-Christian Buhr
(Member of the Cabinet of Neelie Kroes)
21/09/2011, 09:45
The talk will present the Digital Agenda for Europe, the EU's vision and action plan for bringing the benefits of the Digital Age to everybody. From among the many elements of the Digital Agenda the actions related to European e-Infrastructures and Cloud Computing will be explained in more detail.
Fotis Karayannis
21/09/2011, 11:00
The goal of the e-FISCAL project is to analyse the costs of the current European dedicated HTC and HPC computing e-Infrastructures for research, compare them with equivalent commercial leased or on-demand offerings and provide an evaluation report. The cost of the national computing e-Infrastructures will be analysed in relation to its components that correspond to the...
Alvaro Simon
Enol Fernandez del Castillo
Ivan Diaz Alvarez
Michel Drescher
21/09/2011, 11:00
Review of Quality Assurance processes and documents.
Intended outcome: List of actions assigned to EGI, and all Technology Providers that are engaged with EGI with an SLA.
Stephen Brewer
21/09/2011, 11:00
21/09/2011, 11:00
Collaborating projects present their latest developments in in the virtualisation and cloud area.
Guenter Grein
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
21/09/2011, 11:05
Henri Mikkonen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
21/09/2011, 11:15
Cyril Lorphelin
21/09/2011, 11:25
David Collados
Marian Babik
21/09/2011, 11:50
Christos Triantafyllidis
21/09/2011, 12:05
Christos Triantafyllidis
21/09/2011, 12:15
Valvanuz Fernandez Quiruelas
(University of Cantabria, Spain)
21/09/2011, 14:00
Sergio Maffioletti
21/09/2011, 14:00
GC3Pie is a suite of Python classes (and command-line tools built upon them) to aid in submitting and controlling batch jobs to clusters and grid resources seamlessly. GC3Pie aims at providing the building blocks by which Python scripts that combine several applications in a dynamic workflow can be quickly developed.
GC3Libs, the main component of the GC3Pie framework, provides services for...
David Kelsey
21/09/2011, 14:00
Tiziana Ferrari
21/09/2011, 14:00
Andrea Manieri
(Engineering), Dr
Fabiana Monacciani
(Eurokleis), Dr
antonella Passani
(T6 ecosystems)
21/09/2011, 14:00
Impact assessment is the hot-topic in these months among every research initiative. Several support actions or studies, including the ERINA+, eNventory and – recently - RI-Impact, are working toward the development of an effective process allowing a sound assessment exercise and, at the same time, able to be easily adopted by projects partners as part of their day-by-day activities.
One of...
Miguel-Angel Sicilia
(University of Alcala)
21/09/2011, 14:15
David Groep
21/09/2011, 14:20
Alexandre Bonvin
(eNMR/WeNMR (via Dutch NGI))
21/09/2011, 14:20
WeNMR ( has established itself as a lively and growing Virtual Research Community in the life sciences and structural biology area, with a focus on NMR. It currently represents the largest Virtual Research Organization (VO) in the life science area and was the first VRC officially recognized by the EGI. Its user community involves researchers from around the world and is covering...
Gonzalo Merino
(Port d'Informació Científica)
21/09/2011, 14:30
David Kelsey
21/09/2011, 14:40
Bjoern Hagemeier
21/09/2011, 14:40
Users of computational resources come with a multitude of different application scenarios. It is difficult if not impossible to cater for all user requirements of a computing center at the same time and in a timely manner. Therefore, it would be beneficial if the user could provide the runtime environment and thus pose less complex requirements for the computing center. The computing center...
21/09/2011, 14:45
Riccardo Murri
21/09/2011, 15:00
AppPot is a way to implement generic application deployment on a computational Grid, and especially to enable users to provide their own software to the computing cluster.
AppPot uses User Mode Linux to provide users with a development and running environment they have full control over. User Mode Linux provides a virtualized environment in which users can build and run their own...
David Kelsey
21/09/2011, 15:00
Elisa Heymann
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Dr
Linda Cornwall
21/09/2011, 16:00
The purpose of the EGI Software Vulnerability Group (SVG) is to eliminate existing software vulnerabilities from the EGI infrastructure and prevent the introduction of new ones. Thus reducing the likelihood of Security Incidents. This session will inform attendees of the activities of the SVG, and plans for the future. This will include a summary of the Vulnerability issue handling process,...
Kostas Koumantaros
Michel Drescher
21/09/2011, 16:00
Review of Provisioning UMD 1.0, and UMD 1.1.
Review of current software provisioning processes.
Intended outcome: List of actions assigned to EGI, and all Technology Providers that are engaged with EGI with an SLA.
21/09/2011, 16:00
Claudio Vuerli
21/09/2011, 16:15
T. Szepieniec
21/09/2011, 16:15
Mario David
(LIP Lisbon)
21/09/2011, 16:45
Andrew Grimshaw
(Professor of Computer Science, University of Virginia)
22/09/2011, 09:00
XSEDE introduces a new approach—one that combines an emphasis on standards as well as quality attributes such as ease-of-use, reliability, extensibility, and interoperability—to satisfying user needs. Standards, a key feature of the architecture, reduce risk, exploit a diversity of software source, and extend the set of accessible resources to include other national infrastructures.
This talk...
Erik Boncam-Rudloff
(Chairman of the European COST Action: SeqAhead, Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Network)
22/09/2011, 09:45
The technology of Next Generation Sequencing represents a new dimension for research in the Life Sciences field. The new technologies allow the sequencing of genomes and transcriptomes faster and at a much lower budget than in previous genome sequencing projects. In Europe more than 70 institutions host more than 200 of those NGS systems with a capacity to sequence about one Tera bp per day,...
Carlos Morais Pires
(European Commission), Dr
Krystyna Marek
(European Commission)
22/09/2011, 10:30
Wouter Los
22/09/2011, 10:40
Alba Cristina Magalhães de Melo,
Alisson Andrade
22/09/2011, 11:00
Paolo Bouquet
22/09/2011, 11:00
Thomas Schaaf
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
22/09/2011, 11:00
The IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a today widely-used collection of best practices in IT Service Management that has, of all standardization efforts, gained the most popularity. Since it combines the principles of service- and process-orientation in IT management and is easily accessible, it has become increasingly attractive for IT organizations of almost any size, branch or...
Gergely Sipos
22/09/2011, 11:00
Herbert Van de Sompel
22/09/2011, 11:20
E. Elmroth,
P.-O. Östberg
22/09/2011, 11:30
Agnes Szeberenyi
22/09/2011, 11:38
The three institutes (BME, KFKI RMKI, SZTAKI), that are involved in Hungarian Grid User Support activities have put great effort in serving the Hungarian user community, especially through Hungrid, the Hungarian catch-all Virtual Organisation of EGI. An inverted process is present in Hungary, we do not have many VOs, we have mostly individual users, who feel the need of a more powerful...
Emir Imamagic
22/09/2011, 11:50
Giuseppe Giuseppe
22/09/2011, 11:51
This presentation provides an overview of recent developments relevant to user support tools and services in Italy.
Kazushige Saga,
Kenichi Miura,
Kento Aida
22/09/2011, 12:00
Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
22/09/2011, 12:04
This presentation will highlight three activities concerning the user support in Germany which might be of interest for other NGIs. The GridKA school is a summer school on Grid and Cloud Computing with lectures, tutorials and workshops held in Karlsruhe annually since 2003. The GridKA T1 centre has on-site experiment contacts for the LHC experiments, this might serve as a model for other big...
Andres Aeschlimann
Ulf Tigerstedt
22/09/2011, 12:20
Eugen Feller
22/09/2011, 14:00
Ulf Tigerstedt
22/09/2011, 14:00
Topics of the training will be defined in the coming weeks.
Cristinel Diaconu
(CPP Marseille)
22/09/2011, 14:00
Charles Loomis
22/09/2011, 14:00
StratusLab develops and provides an open-source cloud distribution that allows data centers to expose their computing resources as an "Infrastructure as a Service" (IaaS) type cloud. Administrators can run their services over the cloud to improve availability, scalability, and maintainability of their grid and non-grid services. Virtual organizations and users can use the cloud to develop...
Tristan Glatard
22/09/2011, 14:20
Dong Yuan,
Jinjun Chen,
Junqiang Song,
Kaijun Ren,
Kefeng Deng
22/09/2011, 14:30
Fernando Barreiro Megino
22/09/2011, 14:35
The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest scientific machine, is in operation since the beginning of 2010 and currently relies on the WorldWide LHC Computing Grid and EGI infrastructures for the offline computing needs of the 4 main experiments that will take data at this facility. Each experiment manages multi-Petabyte data volumes across tens of computing centers throughout the world...
Edward Karavakis
22/09/2011, 14:55
The Experiment Dashboard was developed in order to address the monitoring needs of the LHC experiments. It covers data management, job processing and infrastructure monitoring and works transparently across the various middleware flavours used by the LHC VOs. This presentation will summarise the key results and recent developments in monitoring of the LHC computing activities for the High...
Daniel Colin VAN DER STER
22/09/2011, 15:10
This talk will summarize the recent key results in analysis support for the high energy physics HUC. We will first review the user analysis activity in 2011 for the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Next, the development achievements and plans for the Ganga and CRAB grid analysis tools and the HammerCloud analysis testing service will be discussed. We will conclude with some key operational...
Zajzon-Laszlo Bodo
(European Commission)
22/09/2011, 15:20
Maryline Lengert
22/09/2011, 15:35
Agustin Caminero,
Blanca Caminero,
Carmen Carrion,
Luis Tomas
22/09/2011, 16:00
Cyril Lorphelin
Malgorzata Krakowian
Ron Trompert
22/09/2011, 16:00
There will be four slots in this session.
1. Grid Oversight Issues and Topics
2. Results of the Questionnaire
In this slot we will discuss the outcome of the questionnaire
that we have sent to the ROD teams
3. Discussion on our requirements.
4. Latest developments of the Dashboard
A presentation on the latest developments of the dashboard that are important for RODs.
Sverker Holmgren
22/09/2011, 16:00
Michel Descher
22/09/2011, 16:00
Tentative agenda:
- SA2 state of affairs
- UMD 1.x maintenance
- UMD 2.0 planning
- Next 6 months in SA2
- SA2 and IaaS
22/09/2011, 16:20
Enol Fernandez del Castillo
John Walsh
22/09/2011, 16:20
J Celaya,
U Arronategui
22/09/2011, 16:30
Giuliano Taffoni
22/09/2011, 16:30
22/09/2011, 16:50
J Torres,
J.Ll. Berral,
R Gavalda
22/09/2011, 17:00
Alessandro Costantini
22/09/2011, 17:10
22/09/2011, 17:30
E Tejedor,
F Lordan,
R Badia
22/09/2011, 17:30
E Dede,
L Ramakrishnan,
M Govindaraju,
Z Fadika
22/09/2011, 18:00
E Dede,
L Ramakrishnan,
M Govindaraju,
Z Fadika
22/09/2011, 18:30
S Schulz,
W Blochinger
23/09/2011, 08:30
Ad Emmen
(EDGI, DEGISCO, e-IRGSP3 projects), Prof.
Peter Kacsuk
23/09/2011, 09:00
Following the Desktop Grid session at EGI UF in Vilnius which had its focus more on applications, we now propose a session that focuses more on the infrastructure. How can you connect Desktop Grids into EGI infrastructures. We will show howto's for gLite, based on long time experiences.
In addition the EDGI project, the organiser of this session has also build a bridge between Arc based...
M Ezell,
M Johnson,
P Kovatch,
P Redd,
V Hazelwood
23/09/2011, 09:00
Bernhard Fabianek
(European Commission)
23/09/2011, 09:25
C Gupta,
E Dede,
M Govindaraju,
Z Fadika
23/09/2011, 09:30
Eygene Ryabinkin
(RRC "Kurchatov Institute"),
Oscar Koeroo
23/09/2011, 09:30
Steve Conway
23/09/2011, 09:45
C Kunz,
M Smith,
N Tahmasebi,
T Risse
23/09/2011, 10:00
Catherine Riviere
23/09/2011, 10:10
A Chilwan,
A Undheim,
P Heegaard
23/09/2011, 11:00
Kostas Glinos
(European Commission)
23/09/2011, 11:00
J Lyon,
K Rojas,
M Arabi,
O David,
S Pallickara,
W Lloyd
23/09/2011, 11:30
A Shabarshin,
L Carloni,
R Neill,
S Tcherepanov,
V Sigaev
23/09/2011, 12:00
Linda Cornwall
23/09/2011, 12:15
A Brinkmann,
A Krieger,
J Simon,
O Niehörster
23/09/2011, 14:00
Gabor Terstyanszky
(Univ. of Westminster), Prof.
Peter Kacsuk
Tamas Kukla
(Univ. of Westminster)
23/09/2011, 14:00
A large number of research teams creates and runs workflows to support their applications. There are two key players in this process: e-scientists who use workflows and workflow developers who create workflows. Elaborating a workflow may require significant efforts and specific expertise. Workflow developers have to be familiar with both the research area which they address and workflow...
N Jamali,
X Zhao
23/09/2011, 14:30
A Iosup,
D Epema,
N Yigitbasi,
O Sonmez
23/09/2011, 15:00
K Ohta,
O Tatebe,
S Mikami
23/09/2011, 16:00
Ph Rhodes,
Y Tian
23/09/2011, 16:30
Krystyna Marek
(European Commission)
24/09/2011, 02:35
Alan Blatecky
(Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF), Dr
Pekka Karp
(European Commission)
24/09/2011, 07:35
Alan Blatecky
(Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF),
Pekka Karp
(European Commission)
24/09/2011, 07:50
Herbert Van de Sompel
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
24/09/2011, 08:05
User Community
The work of the Earth Science(ES)activity of EGI-InSPIRE SA3 is devoted to ES data access. The activity is investigating and following the development of specialized data access and management methods in the area of Earth Science. Since Grid Infrastructures have been exploited by ES, methods of how running jobs can access data, stored outside of the infrastructure, have been discussed. The...
Federico Ruggieri
(INFN - Roma Tre),
Ludek Matyska
The CHAIN project, in cooperation with EUIndiaGrid2 and EUMEDGRID-Support will organise a workshop that is a follow-up of the Workshops organised at ISGC 2011 in Taipei and at the EGI UF in Vilnius. The former was focused on interoperation and interoperability between EU and Asia, while the latter was mainly concentrated on the matching of the VRC requirements with the services offered by the...
Salvatore Monforte
(INFN Sez. CT)
During the last few years, interest has gradually shifted from Grid to Cloud Computing.
Grid computing is better suited for organizations with large amounts of data being analysed by a small number of users, or few but large allocation requests, whereas Cloud computing is better suited to environments where there is a large number of users requesting small amounts of data, or many but small...
Christos Kanellopoulos
Christos Triantafyllidis
The need for easy, reproducible and flexible package building has lead our team (AUTH) to the deployment of a package building infrastructure that is compatible with the architecture of the current grid middleware. To this end we have used Koji, a Fedora project (, which is able to fulfill these requirements and moreover provide a reliable package building...
Daniele Cesini
John Gordon
Report on preliminary steps on the accounting for new resource types (TJRA1.4) and next steps.
Andrea Cristofori
Enrico Fattibene
Distributed Grid Accounting System (DGAS) is a distributed tool for the implementation of national Grid accounting infrastructures. It is responsible for collecting and storing usage records (URs) for computing and storage. Sensors are installed on the Computing Elements (CEs) to collect computing accounting information and convert them into URs. Storage accounting's URs are generated by...
Ioan Lucian Muntean
(Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
Grids are now a commonplace for advanced computing applications. In our approach,the grid-enablement of simulation scenarios is carried out with the GridSFEA framework. The end-user can perform operations such as submitting computations to the grid, searching for a specific scenario on the grid, or previewing the results of a simulation without having to download large data sets to his...
David Kelsey
A (closed) face to face meeting of EGI SPG to make progress on its normal business of producing and revising policy documents.
Sergio Andreozzi
Steven Newhouse
Early this year, produced an EGI Sustainability Plan providing a comprehensive list of the wide range of services that EGI provides and outlined a taxonomy of potential business models in order to sustain these services for future discussion and exploration. The number of business models identified defines a variety of revenue streams. As a preliminary assessment, the...
Scott Teige
(Open Science Grid)
We present a description of the information systems used by the Open Science
Grid (OSG) to obtain data that determines the state of the OSG and publish it
to EGI and WLCG collaborators. The Berkeley Database Information Interface
(BDII) is used to hold near real-time GLUE data describing the the state of
OSG resources. The GLUE data is used for many purposes including job
John White
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
The EMI Security Infrastructure and strategy has been defined and deployed in the first year of the project. As the second year continues there will be additions made and strategy refinements.
This can be a 90min session devoted to the Security directions that are/will be taken in the EMI project. Contributions can include the current and Security infrastructure (Architecture).
Kathryn Cassidy
emidio giorgio
The European Middleware Initiative (EMI)
aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components
for deployment in Distributed Computing Infrastructures, extending the
interoperability between grids and other computing
infrastructures, strengthening the reliability of the services, and
establish a sustainable model to maintain and
evolve the middleware, fulfilling the requirements...
Balazs Konya
(EMI project),
Cristina Aiftimiei
Shahbaz memon
Riccardo Murri
Sergio Maffioletti
GridCertLib is a Java library providing services to create a
SLCS/X.509 certificate and a Grid proxy (optionally VOMS-enabled),
given the SAML2 assertion resulting from a Shibboleth2
authentication. The library comes with some example servlets
(cf. package ch.swing.gridcertlib.servlet) that provide sample code to use the GridCertLib features in a Java web services environment. The main use...
Matthias Hofmann
(Technische Universität Dortmund)
The initiative for Globus in Europe (IGE) is a EU FP7 project to coordinate European Globus activities. The main objectives of IGE are to continuously support the European computing infrastructures, to serve as a central point of contact in Europe for Globus, to drive the Globus developments forward in accordance with the requirements of European users and to strengthen the influence of...
Ioan Lucian Muntean
(Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
The development of applications capable of working with services provided by different grid middleware stacks is still a major challenge. Tackling this challenge now became important, especially with the advent of the unified middleware distribution of EGI. We are to see in the near future services such as resource management supporting interfaces from gLite, Globus Toolkit etc. (e.g. CREAM,...
Andrea Ceccanti,
John white,
Mingchao Ma
Valery Tschopp,
oscar koeroo
The EGI CSIRT and the middleware security experts will join force again to provide security training for system adminsitrators and site managers. The training will forcus on two main areas: operational security and middleware security.
The attendents are expected to walk away with some security best practise in areas such as incident response, vulnerabiltiy handling, securiyt monitoring...
John White
(University of Helsinki, Finland),
Linda Cornwall
(STFC), Dr
Maarten Litmaath
Mingchao Ma
Antonio Perez Perez
Leif Nixon
Linda Cornwall
Mingchao Ma
The EGI CSIRT and the middleware security experts will join force again to provide security training for system adminsitrators and site managers. The training will forcus on two main areas: operational security and middleware security. The attendents are expected to walk away with some security best practise in areas such as incident response, forensic, vulnerabiltiy handling, securiyt...
Aram Verstegen, Mr
Daniel Kouril,
Eygene Ryabinkin,
Mingchao Ma
Oscar Koeroo, Dr
Pierrick MICOUT
The EGI CSIRT and the middleware security experts will join force again to provide security training for system adminsitrators and site managers. The training will forcus on two main areas: operational security and middleware security. The attendents are expected to walk away with some security best practise in areas such as incident response, forensic, vulnerabiltiy handling, securiyt...
David Manset
(MAAT France), Dr
Johan Montagnat
(CNRS), Dr
Peter Kacsuk
Tram Truong Huu
As a concrete outcome of the collaboration between the EU FP7 SHIWA ( and EU FP7 outGRID ( projects, LINGA is the first scientific challenge ever run across several international neuroscientific infrastructures, thus mixing heterogeneous DCI technologies at the same time.
LINGA is a large-scale neuroscientific experiment involving the simultaneous...
Mario Reale
This session will cover topics related to partners and workflows for network support in EGI and provide an update on the status of tool for network monitoring.
Antoni Torsten
This workshop will address the status of NGI helpdesk integration into GGUS, and will be an opportunity to discuss technical issues and a future work plan.
Andreas Aeschlimann
Sergio Maffioletti
The SMSCG Grid Monitor is used by the Swiss Multi Science Grid to actively and passively monitor its ARC infrastructure. The monitor consolidates data from the ARC information system, from Nagios, from the SGAS accounting system, and from site functional tests into a single portal, which provides personalized access to users, site administrators and VO/Grid administrators.
the poster will...
Dimitris Zilaskos
During the workshop we will assess the current status of the EGI OLA framework and we will discuss future enhancements.
Ulf Tigerstedt
During this session the status of documentation and the future work will be discussed.
Daniele CESINI
Periodic F2F meeting - annual report on jra1 activity + discussion topics to be decided.
Gergely Sipos
Steve Brewer
Portals, portlets and science gateways provide simple mechanisms for users to interact with grid and cloud computing services and with the community-related functions offered within the European Grid Infrastructure. Portal frameworks, portlet repositories, “iframe” encapsulation of content enables EGI user support teams to customise and integrate third party services according to their...
Giuseppe Giuseppe
User Community
In this work we are going to present the new features of the IGI Application Database, the instance developed in the context of the Italian NGI. The portal is an important showcase for scientists, students and simple users involved in Researcher, or interested in Grid Computing, to get useful information about all the scientific applications already deployed in the national production grid...
Steve Tuecke
(Computation Institute, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory)
File transfer is both a critical and frustrating aspect of high-performance computing. For a relatively mundane task, moving terabytes of data reliably and efficiently can be surprisingly complicated. One must discover endpoints, determine available protocols, negotiate firewalls, configure software, manage space, negotiate authentication, configure protocols, detect and respond to failures,...
Tiziana Ferrari
The workshop is a forum to which site managers are invited to provide input on requirements, on issues about software deployment and staged rollout, and to report on experience with with the deployment of EMI and IGE software distributed with UMD 1.x
Federico Ruggieri
Mario Reale
Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania and INFN and COMETA)
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers,...
Antun Balaz
(Institute of Physics Belgrade), Mr
Dusan Vudragovic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade), Mr
Vladimir Slavnic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Monte Carlo (MC) applications are inherently parallel and computationally-bound. In a distributed computing infrastructure, once MC application is initiated, it can be usually executed independently, i.e. with almost no interprocess communication. Such behavior allows for a usage of any kind of computing resources, but requires an integrated framework to simplify application management, and...
Linda Cornwall
Alessandro Italiano
Elisabetta Ronchieri
Gianni Dalla Torre
WNoDeS is a software framework developed at INFN CNAF to integrate Grid and Cloud provisioning. It is deployed on the INFN Tier-1 (CNAF) and Tier-2 (LNL and Bari) production infrastructures. WNoDeS is a solution to virtualize computing resources and to make them available through local and Grid access interfaces in case batch jobs are submitted, through a Virtual Interactive Pools to support...