Andreas Schott
(Rechenzentrum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)Dr
Enol Fernandez
Heinrich Widmann
(DKRZ - Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum)Dr
Lukasz Dutka
Maria Francesca Iozzi
Marion Massol
Mark Sanden
(SURFsara BV)Dr
Miguel Caballer
Paolo D'Onorio De Meo
Yann Le Franc
(e-Science Data Factory)
The session will focus on the first 75min on the WP6 overview, tasks overview and the outline of some practical information (e.g. collaborative workspaces).
We will then work (initially) on the a first set of the following action items (the other set will be discussed at the WP6 meeting on Wed 11:00):
1) WP Work Plan. Detailed 12 month work plan specifying distribution of activities by task,
2) Preliminary definition of lead authors for each deliverable,
3) Preliminary definition of milestone owners in PY1,
4) Define WP regular meetings,
5) Define preliminary quality metrics,
6) Define team membership,
7) Identify the Key Exploitation Results (KERs),
8) EOSC-hub/OpenAIRE Advance collaboration - Assessment and impact on the WP work plan ;
All WP6 task leaders are invited to present their tasks (5-10min/task) and some service experts are invited (e.g. DataHub, B2NOTE, B2SHARE, B2HANDLE) to provide additional information about their services. The discussion will focus on the internal organization of the package, the initial definition of working plans, schedule of the meetings, collaboration workflows and communication channels.
Taskleaders are requested to prepare a 5-10min presentation; experts may (tentatively listed among the presenters)