All hands meeting Malaga, Spain




EOSC-hub All-Hands Meeting, 18-20 April 2018, University of Malaga

This is the agenda page of the EOSC-hub All-Hands Meeting.

Only members of the EOSC-hub project are expected to join.

Registration mandatory at:


Public day, 16-17 April 2018, Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Málaga

A public event will be organised on Apr 16th and 17th.

The agenda is available on the EOSC-hub web site at:


FitSM Foundation Training and Certification

FitSM is an open standards family for lightweight IT Service Management (ITSM) and the reference framework being used in both EOSC-hub and EOSCpilot projects. Through FitSM, the project aims at conducting effective IT service management in a federated environment and achieving a baseline level of ITSM that can act in support of ‘management interoperability’ in federated environments where disparate organisations must cooperate to manage services. The Foundation level training provides an introduction to the basic IT service management concepts and terms, outlines the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM, and details the formal requirements defined within it.

The EOSC-hub all-hands meeting offers the opportunity to be trained in FitSM as well as to receive a formal certification backed by certification authority ICO-Cert for anyone successful passing the exam (20 multiple choice questions, 13 required to pass). Both the costs of the training and the exam is covered and offered to you by the EOSC-hub project for free. The training will take place on Thursday afternoon (19 Apr) and Friday morning (20 Apr), ensuring minimal overlap with other project meetings. Only participants who register in advance can be admitted to the training, so please be sure to select the option during registration. A limited number of participants is admitted, however, it is available to any interested project members and is highly recommended for process owners and managers, task leaders and WP managers. Other training events will be organized during the project for anyone unable to attend due to clashes.

    • Welcome from the University of Malaga Salon de Grados A

      Salon de Grados A


    • Demos - Session 1: Demonstration of (1) Marketplace and (2) Service Portfolio Management Tool
    • WP10 Technical Coordination A.0.24



      Convener: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • WP12 Business Models and Procurement 1.23



      Convener: Sergio Andreozzi (
    • WP3 Innovation Management, Communication and Stakeholder Engagement A.0.23



      Convener: Ms Sara Garavelli (Trust-IT Services ltd)
    • WP4 Federated Service Management A.0.25



      Convener: Matthew Viljoen (
      • 1
        WP4 Overview
        Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (
      • 2
        T4.1 Ops Coord. + SFRM
        Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (
      • 3
        T4.2 Orders, CRM, SRM
        Speaker: Giovanni Morelli (CINECA)
      • 4
        T4.3 SACM, CAPM
        Speaker: Alessandro Paolini (
      • 5
        Discussion, unresolved points, blocking issues, needed input form other WPs
        Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (
    • WP6 Common Services: usage, maintenance and integration activities A.0.22



      Convener: Andreas Schott (Rechenzentrum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
    • WP7 Thematic Services: Integration, Maintenance and Exploitation Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      10' Introduction: the status of WP7 as a whole (Claudio Cacciari)
      45' Status of each task:
      35' Open discussion

      Convener: Mr Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Demos - session 2 Lobby



    • EOSC-hub Marketplace: (T5.2, WP7, WP8) Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Convener: Roksana Rozanska (CYFRONET)
    • WP10 Technical Coordination A.0.24



      Convener: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • WP4 Federated Service Management A.0.25



      Convener: Matthew Viljoen (
      • 6
        T4.4 ISM
        Speaker: David Kelsey (STFC)
      • 7
        T4.5 ISRM + PM
        Speaker: David Vicente (BSC-CNS)
      • 8
        T4.6 CONFM, CHM, RDM
        Speaker: Joao Pina (LIP)
      • 9
        Discussion, unresolved points, blocking issues, needed input form other WPs
        Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (
    • WP5 - AAI A.0.23



      Conveners: Mr Nicolas Liampotis (GRNET), Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
    • WP6: Common Services: usage, maintenance and integration activities A.0.22



      Convener: Andreas Schott (Rechenzentrum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Co-designing services for EOSC - CCs: (WP8, WP10) - Presentation of setup and validation plans A.0.22



      Conveners: Alex Vermeulen (ICOS ERIC), Alex Vermeulen (ICOS ERIC), Carl-Fredrik Enell (EISCAT Scientific Association), Eric YEN (AS), Eric Yen (AS), Dr Gergely Sipos (, Hanno Holties (ASTRON), Ingemar Haggstrom (EISCAT), Luca Trani (KNMI), Luca Trani (, Dr Rob Meer, van der (ASTRON), Shaun de Witt (UKAEA), Steven Newhouse (EMBL), Susheel Varma (EMBL EBI), Thierry Carval (Ifremer)
    • Common Services: integration with federation services (WP6, WP5) Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Conveners: Andreas Schott (MPG), Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
    • Demos - session 3: Demonstration of (1) INDIGO PaaS (2) The EOSC-hub AAI (3) Cloud services & AppDB VM Marketplace (4) B2HANDLE
    • EOSC-hub PMB meeting 1.23



      Conveners: Dr Per Oster (CSC), Dr Tiziana Ferrari (
    • T7.7 EO Pillar A.0.23



      Convener: Christian Briese (EODC)
    • WP11 Training A.0.24



      The main objectives of this session are manifold:
      1.) Report the current status of the WP11 activities:
      Status of the submitted Milestones (M11.1, M11.2 and M11.3)
      Procedure for financial support travel costs of trainers
      List of supported training activities
      Status of the training catalogue
      2.) Focus on the upcoming events and activities

      Convener: Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (
    • WP2 Strategy Plan A.0.25



      Convener: Marjut Andler (CSC)
    • Innovation Management Workshop Salon de Grados A

      Salon de Grados A


      Convener: Roberta Piscitelli (
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • Co-designing services for EOSC - CCs: (WP8) - Discuss validation plans; Identify open questions for Common Services Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Convener: Dr Gergely Sipos (
    • Demos - session 4: Demonstration of (1) B2SHARE & B2DROP (2) B2FIND (3) Data Project Management Tool
    • WP11 - Tools and Services for Research Data Management A.0.23



      Research Data Management (RDM) concerns plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of research data. The aim of the training is to present and discuss research data management tools and services and is aimed at researchers and research communities.

      The training consists of three parts:

      1.) Framework for Discipline-specific RDM (30 minutes) (René)
      One size does not fit all. Research data management plans take specific issues into consideration, e.g. in relation to the scientific discipline. So-called Domain Data Protocols (DDPs) are a pragmatic solution to ensure proper implementation of individual DMPs.
      The state of art of DDPs is presented and the relevance for specific situation is discussed.

      Participants will get insight into good practice concerning management of research data (research products / research artifacts), taking specific disciplinary issues into consideration.

      2.) EOSC-hub services that support the research data life-cycle (30 minutes) (Shaun)

      The EOSC-hub services are classified and discussed in relation to their role in the research data life-cycle. The research data life-cycle represents all of the stages of data throughout its life from its creation for a study to its distribution and reuse. It is an important principle in the data management planning.

      Participants will learn which service can be used to support the life-cycle of data throughout the research process.

      3.) Tools to create Data management plans (30 minutes) (René / Shaun)

      A DMP-tool helps researchers create data management plans. A DMP is a formal document that outlines what a researcher will do with her data during and after a research project. Several profiles / templates for DMPs do exist, e.g. aimed at specific funding scheme.
      A number of DMP-tools exist or are under development. An overview will be given.

      Conveners: Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (, Rene Horik, van (DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services), Shaun de Witt (UKAEA)
    • WP5 Federation Tool Integration and Management A.0.25



      The session will focus on current status of federation tools, main integration tasks and the refinement of the integration plans. Apart from this the general organisation of the package, including communication channels will be discussed and reviewed.

      Convener: Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
      • 10
        Introduction, WP5 package overview
        Speaker: Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
      • 11
        WP5.1 - EOSC-Hub AAI
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas Liampotis (GRNET)
      • 12
        WP5.2-Marketplace, SPMT
        Speakers: Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET), Roksana Rozanska (CYFRONET)
      • 13
        WP5.3 - Business and Operations support systems
        Speakers: Adil Hasan (SIGMA), Cyril Lorphelin (CNRS), George Ryall (STFC), Dr Johannes Reetz (Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)), Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
      • 14
        WP5.4 - Monitoring, Accounting, Security Tools
        Speaker: Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
      • 15
        WP5.5 - Helpdesk
        Speaker: David Vicente (BSC-CNS)
      • 16
        WP5.6 - AppDB and Collaboration Tools
        Speaker: Mr Marios Chatziangelou (IASA)
    • WP7 meeting - Technical aspects: (WP7, WP10, WP6) Salon de Grados A

      Salon de Grados A


      • how to move data among EOSC-hub data sources: Data hub, B2DROP,
        B2SHARE, B2SAFE (ECAS)?
      • how to move data between EOSC-hub compute and data sources: DIRAC4EGI
        and B2SAFE (OPENCoastS)?
      • accounting (CLARIN)?

      Community requirement DB:

      Conveners: Andreas Schott (MPG), Mr Claudio Cacciari (Cineca), Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • WP9 Joint Digital Innovation Hub A.0.24



      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • Co-designing services for EOSC: (WP8, WP9, WP10) - Consultancy with Common Service providers (many small groups)
      Conveners: Dr Enol Fernandez (, Dr Gergely Sipos (, Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN), Malgorzata Krakowian (
    • T7.3 ECAS A.0.24



      Convener: Tobias Weigel (DKRZ)
    • WP12 - Business models and procurement (follow-up) A.0.22



      Convener: Sergio Andreozzi (
    • WP5.3&WP5.4 Operations support tools A.0.25



      The focus of this session are the services and tools which support the federated operations of e-Infrastructures, including GOCDB, DPMT, Accouting and Monitoring systems etc. During this session an overview and status of these services will be presented in detail and current integration tasks will be discussed.

      Conveners: Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET), Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • AAI approach for EOSC-Hub communities: (T5.1, WP10) A.0.24



      Conveners: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN), Mr Nicolas Liampotis (GRNET)
    • EOSC-hub Integration (IMS+Services): (T2.1, WP4, WP5, WP6) Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Conveners: Malgorzata Krakowian (, Matthew Viljoen (, Sy Holsinger (
    • WP5 Marketplace integration with other services A.0.22



      EOSC-hub Marketplace is a user-facing platform facilitating the ecosystem of productional EOSC-hub services which should be easily promoted, discovered, ordered and accessed. The efficient Marketplace performance, user experience and complience with order management policies strongly depends on integration with backend services e-Infrastructures. This integration is the focus of the session. The current integration tasks with EGI and EUDAT CMDBs, service portfolio tool and other services will be discussed in detail.

      Conveners: Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET), Pavel Weber (KIT-G), Roksana Rozanska (CYFRONET)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Data Services Integration (WP6: T6.1, T6.4) A.0.24



      Conveners: Dr De Meo D'Onorio (CINECA), Heinrich Widmann (DKRZ - Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum)
    • EOSC-hub service portfolio (structure and process) (WP2, WP4, WP5, WP10) Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Convener: Sergio Andreozzi (
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required) A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • T7.1 CLARIN A.0.25



      Convener: Dieter Van Uytvanck (CLARIN ERIC)
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required) A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • T7.3 ECAS: how to use the ECAS Thematic Service Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Open training for all EOSC-hub participants

      Convener: Tobias Weigel (DKRZ)
    • Virtual Access Management: (WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP13) Salon de Grados A

      Salon de Grados A


      Convener: Malgorzata Krakowian (
    • EOSC-hub Technical Meeting (WP10, WP5, WP6, WP4) Salon de Grados B

      Salon de Grados B


      Convener: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required) A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required) A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required) A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • FitSM Foundation Training and Certification (Prior registration required): Exam A.0.22



      IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

      FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

      This is one-day Foundation level course aims to provide the basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0), outline the purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards and understand the process framework underlying FitSM and requirements defined within it.

      This course is being supported by the EOSC-hub project, therefore the conference registration fee covers the costs of the training course (~€370 value) and the exam/certification fee (€80 charged by the certification authority ICO-Cert) for all specifically registered participants.

      8 hours (plus 30-minute exam)

      Target audience
      -All individuals involved in the provisioning of (federated) IT services.
      -Candidates who wish to progress to the Advanced level of the qualification and certification scheme

      Entry requirements

      -Basic IT service management concepts and terms (based on FitSM-0)
      -Purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards - Process framework underlying FitSM
      -Requirements defined in FitSM-1

      -30 minutes, at the end of the training
      -Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
      -20 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
      -At least 65% correct answers (13 of 20) are required to pass the examination

      Training Outputs
      -Exam scores
      -Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number
      **Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert

      Convener: Sy Holsinger (