International Workshop on Science Gateways

ML Building, Room F34 (ETH Zurich)

ML Building, Room F34

ETH Zurich

Clausiusstrasse 2 ETH ML Building, Room F34 8006 Zurich Switzerland
MAIN PAGE: Science gateways are a community-specific set of tools, applications, and data collections that are integrated together via a web portal or a desktop application, providing access to resources and services of distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs). Science gateways offer the potential to open the utilisation of DCIs to wider audiences by providing a customised and easy to use user interface to access large computational and data resources. The complexity of the underlying infrastructure can be completely hidden from the end-users by a suitably tailored interface. As interest in science gateways has accelerated in the past few years, an increasing number of new user communities can utilise grid or cloud computing resources in a convenient manner. The workshop aims to bring together researchers and scientists from different scientific domains, along with science gateways developers, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, to shape future directions for research, foster the exchange of ideas, standards and common requirements and push towards the wider adoption of science gateways in e-Science. The workshop is organized by the SCI-BUS project, with the support of the Swiss National Grid Association, SwiNG.
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