EOSC-hub First Review

Room 278 (European Commission)

Room 278

European Commission

10, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Gasperich – EUROFORUM building

Participating experts:

  • Totka CHERNAEVA (Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications)
  • Emanuela SIRTORI (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency - INEA, CSIL and University of Milan, CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies)
  • Oscar CORCHO GARCIA (LocaliData, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Intelligent Software Components)
  • William John WOMERSLEY (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

The review will cover the project activities that you have carried out.
It will examine:

  • The degree to which the work plan has been carried out and whether all deliverables were completed
  • Whether the objectives are still relevant and provide scientific or industrial breakthrough potential
  • How resources were planned and used in relation to the achieved progress, and if their use
  • Respects the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
  • The management procedures and methods of the project
  • The beneficiaries’ contributions and their integration within the project
  • The expected potential scientific, technological, economic, competitive and social impact, and plans for using and disseminating results
  • Eligibility of the costs claimed
  • Compliance with other grant agreement obligations.

It will also cover the work of third parties involved in the project (e.g. linked third parties, third parties giving in-kind contributions, subcontractors, etc).

  • Alexandre Bonvin
  • Anabela Pacheco de Oliveira
  • Debora Testi
  • Diego Scardaci
  • Dieter Van Uytvanck
  • Gergely Sipos
  • Giacinto Donvito
  • Giuseppe La Rocca
  • Johannes Reetz
  • John Kennedy
  • Malgorzata Krakowian
  • Matthew Viljoen
  • Owen Appleton
  • Pavel Weber
  • Per Öster
  • Sara Garavelli
  • Sergio Andreozzi
  • Sy Holsinger
  • Tiina Maria Kupila-Rantala
  • Tiziana Ferrari
  • Yannick Legre