EOSC-hub First Review

Room 278 (European Commission)

Room 278

European Commission

10, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Gasperich – EUROFORUM building

Participating experts:

  • Totka CHERNAEVA (Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications)
  • Emanuela SIRTORI (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency - INEA, CSIL and University of Milan, CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies)
  • Oscar CORCHO GARCIA (LocaliData, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Intelligent Software Components)
  • William John WOMERSLEY (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

The review will cover the project activities that you have carried out.
It will examine:

  • The degree to which the work plan has been carried out and whether all deliverables were completed
  • Whether the objectives are still relevant and provide scientific or industrial breakthrough potential
  • How resources were planned and used in relation to the achieved progress, and if their use
  • Respects the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
  • The management procedures and methods of the project
  • The beneficiaries’ contributions and their integration within the project
  • The expected potential scientific, technological, economic, competitive and social impact, and plans for using and disseminating results
  • Eligibility of the costs claimed
  • Compliance with other grant agreement obligations.

It will also cover the work of third parties involved in the project (e.g. linked third parties, third parties giving in-kind contributions, subcontractors, etc).

  • Alexandre Bonvin
  • Anabela Pacheco de Oliveira
  • Debora Testi
  • Diego Scardaci
  • Dieter Van Uytvanck
  • Gergely Sipos
  • Giacinto Donvito
  • Giuseppe La Rocca
  • Johannes Reetz
  • John Kennedy
  • Malgorzata Krakowian
  • Matthew Viljoen
  • Owen Appleton
  • Pavel Weber
  • Per Öster
  • Sara Garavelli
  • Sergio Andreozzi
  • Sy Holsinger
  • Tiina Maria Kupila-Rantala
  • Tiziana Ferrari
  • Yannick Legre
  • Tuesday, 8 October
    • 08:30
      CLOSED SESSION: Project Officer & Reviewers
    • 09:00
      Welcome and introduction to the agenda
    • 1
      Project overview and response to recommendations
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
    • 2
      [WP1] Project management and finance
      Speaker: Yannick Legre (EGI.eu)
    • 10:15
      Coffee and Tea
    • 3
      [WP2] EOSC-hub Strategy and contribution to the EOSC portfolios and Federation Core
      Speakers: Owen Appleton (NA), Tiina Maria Kupila-Rantala (CSC)
    • 4
      [WP12] Business models and procurement
      Speaker: Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.eu)
    • 12:00
    • 5
      [WP3, WP4, WP5] EOSC Portal
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
    • 6
      [WP1] Service Management System
      Speaker: Malgorzata Krakowian (EGI.eu)
    • 7
      [WP4] Operations and Rules of Participation
      Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)
    • 14:10
      Coffee and Tea
    • 8
      [WP10] Architecture and Interoperability Guidelines
      Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • 9
      [WP5] Federation Services
      Speaker: Pavel Weber (KIT-G)
    • 10
      [WP6] Common Services
      Speaker: John Kennedy (MPCDF - Max Planck Society)
    • 11
      [WP7] Thematic Services
      Speaker: Debora Testi (CINECA)
    • 16:20
      Coffee and Tea
    • 12
      Report on Collaborations: OpenAIRE-Advance, EOSC projects and initiatives
      Speakers: Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu), Dr Johannes Reetz (Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF))
  • Wednesday, 9 October
    • 13
      [WP8] User engagement and support: the Competence Centres
      Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)
    • 14
      [WP9] User engagement and support: the Digital Innovation Hub
      Speaker: Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)
    • 15
      [WP11] User engagement and support: Training
      Speaker: Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI.eu)
    • 10:30
      Coffee and Tea
    • 16
      Lightning talks and Demos
      • a) EGI Jupyter Notebooks and Zenodo for repeatibility of science
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)
      • b) ENES Climate Analytics Service
        Speaker: Debora Testi (CINECA)
      • c) Open tools for computational structural biologists
        Speaker: Alexandre Bonvin (eNMR/WeNMR (via Dutch NGI))
      • d) Computational engineering services for all with LNEC and EOSC
        Speaker: Anabela Oliveira (National Laboratory for Civil Engineers)
      • e) The CLARIN use case
        Speaker: Dieter Van Uytvanck (CLARIN ERIC)
    • 17
      [WP3] Innovation management & IPR management
      Speaker: Owen Appleton (NA)
    • 18
      [WP3] Results, dissemination and impact
      Speaker: Ms Sara Garavelli (Trust-IT Services ltd)
    • 12:45
    • 13:45
      Final Q&A Session
    • 14:15
      CLOSED MEETING: Project Officer and Reviewers
    • 14:45
      Feedback session