The EGI CSIRT team will meet again to review and discuss
various security issues. Discussion and update from following activities will be given:
Identifying, implementing and operating efficient and scalable data management and processing structures is one of the biggest problems one has to face when using a distributed computing infrastructure. These structures require robust software services with flexible integration and customisation facilities for both system administrators and end users.
The middleware software stacks hosted on the European Grid Infrastructure provide several services for the management og data and metadata. The largest user groups of the European Grid Infrastructure have long-running experience of using these services and extending, integrating, customising them for community-specific use cases.
This workshop provides a forum for EGI data service developers and operators, as well as for existing and emerging users of these service to exchange experiences, requirements and best practices concerning data management and processing. The workshop is coordinated by the User Community Support Team (UCST) of, the team that is responsible for the gathering and analysis of user requirements in EGI. By bringing the main stakeholders of data-related services together, UCST aims to facilitate information exchange and capture new requirements that can be fed into the next generation of software services of EGI.
The aim of the workshop is to capture reusable best practices and solutions togehter with data-related requirements that are not yet addressed by any community or technology provider.
If you would like to propose topic for discussion, please email it to
The EGI CSIRT team will meet again to review and discuss
various security issues. Discussion and update from following activities will be given:
This session will cover topics related to partners and workflows for network support in EGI and provide an update on the status of tool for network monitoring.
Identifying, implementing and operating efficient and scalable data management and processing structures is one of the biggest problems one has to face when using a distributed computing infrastructure. These structures require robust software services with flexible integration and customisation facilities for both system administrators and end users.
The middleware software stacks hosted on the European Grid Infrastructure provide several services for the management og data and metadata. The largest user groups of the European Grid Infrastructure have long-running experience of using these services and extending, integrating, customising them for community-specific use cases.
This workshop provides a forum for EGI data service developers and operators, as well as for existing and emerging users of these service to exchange experiences, requirements and best practices concerning data management and processing. The workshop is coordinated by the User Community Support Team (UCST) of, the team that is responsible for the gathering and analysis of user requirements in EGI. By bringing the main stakeholders of data-related services together, UCST aims to facilitate information exchange and capture new requirements that can be fed into the next generation of software services of EGI.
The aim of the workshop is to capture reusable best practices and solutions togehter with data-related requirements that are not yet addressed by any community or technology provider.
If you would like to propose topic for discussion, please email it to
Monthly meeting of the EGI Operations Management Board
Identifying, implementing and operating efficient and scalable data management and processing structures is one of the biggest problems one has to face when using a distributed computing infrastructure. These structures require robust software services with flexible integration and customisation facilities for both system administrators and end users.
The middleware software stacks hosted on the European Grid Infrastructure provide several services for the management og data and metadata. The largest user groups of the European Grid Infrastructure have long-running experience of using these services and extending, integrating, customising them for community-specific use cases.
This workshop provides a forum for EGI data service developers and operators, as well as for existing and emerging users of these service to exchange experiences, requirements and best practices concerning data management and processing. The workshop is coordinated by the User Community Support Team (UCST) of, the team that is responsible for the gathering and analysis of user requirements in EGI. By bringing the main stakeholders of data-related services together, UCST aims to facilitate information exchange and capture new requirements that can be fed into the next generation of software services of EGI.
The aim of the workshop is to capture reusable best practices and solutions togehter with data-related requirements that are not yet addressed by any community or technology provider.
If you would like to propose topic for discussion, please email it to
Monthly meeting of the EGI Operations Management Board
Are you interested in knowing more about the opportunity to access EU Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure? Do you want fresh insights on the next framework programme and related funding schemes after 2013 (Horizon 2020)? Then, join this session.
The 2nd EGI Policy Workshop is the next step forward in facilitating and reinforcing the EGI-to-NGI and NGI-to-NGI policy development interactions and offer an opportunity to exchange best practices. This workshop leverages the first EGI Policy Workshop organised at the EGI User Forum in April 2011 to continue the flow of ideas on key policy issues, obtain updates from the NGIs on sustainability and agree on the main policy priorities in the short- and medium-term future.
Overall, this session is to directly engage the community to ensure that EGI collectively evolves in the right direction regarding national and transnational policy matters underlining the importance of these activities and why it is essential for community involvement in this area. The target audience is policy makers from EGI participants and external partners; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in policy matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome.
This workshop will address the status of NGI helpdesk integration into GGUS, and will be an opportunity to discuss technical issues and a future work plan.
During the workshop we will assess the current status of the EGI OLA framework and we will discuss future enhancements.
This session provides an opportunity for EGI and collaborating NGIs, EIROs, DCI projects and others to present their latest research, developments, findings, visions in the virtualization and cloud computing area.
This would be an opportunity to set out the EGI federated virtualized infrastructure vision to a wider technical audience, and for technology providers to indicate how they are addressing the challenges.
* Scientific Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Federated Virtualized Infrastructure
* Cloud operations including experiences operating grid sites
* DCI project technology updates
* Scientific use of cloud resources
A (closed) face to face meeting of EGI SPG to make progress on its normal business of producing and revising policy documents.
Early this year, produced an EGI Sustainability Plan providing a comprehensive list of the wide range of services that EGI provides and outlined a taxonomy of potential revenue streams in order to sustain these services for future discussion and exploration. As a preliminary assessment, the identified revenue streams started to be matched to the services provided.
This workshop represents a step forward in the preparation of the next iteration of the EGI sustainability plan. In preparation for this event, a survey was circulated among NGIs/EIROs and a report has been produced (
During the first part of this session, the general challenge of EGI sustainability as dependent to the sustainability of its ecosystem entities (e.g., NGIs/EIROs, User Communities, Technology Providers, will be depicted and the results of the survey will be presented. Furthermore, a representative of an NGI, a User Community and a Technology Provider will provide its view on the matter. A panel discussion will serve to better explore the value proposition of each participating entities.
The second session is more educational and is targeted at explaining what a business model is and details about what are they key components to describe it. Furthermore, insights on value proposition, service portfolio and revenue streams for EGI will be depicted. A real example for a possible EGI business model will be provided. A panel discussion will close the session.
The target audience is all representatives from NGIs/EIROs, user communities and technology providers that are involved in exploring and defining the sustainability plan of their own organizations. Experts in the area of business models are also welcome to contribute to the discussion.
The expected outcomes from the session are:
- All participants will learn about the results of the preparatory survey circulated amongst EGI (associated) participants (NGIs/EIROs)
- All participants will have a more clear understanding of the EGI eco-system sustainability challenge and its dependency to its components’ sustainability
- All participants will gain a common understanding on business models and its related building blocks are so to establish a common ground to develop them for the various actors in the EGI eco-system
- All participants will contribute in refining the value proposition for NGI to its resource centres, EGI to its end-users, to its NGIs/EIROs, Technology Providers to resource centres, Technology Providers to end-users
- NGIs/EIROs/user community representatives will become more engaged on developing their business models and sustainability strategy in connection with
- All participants will contribute to the drafting of business models for NGIs and
The European Middleware Initiative (EMI) project aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components based on the four major middleware providers in Europe - ARC, dCache, gLite and UNICORE. EMI 1 (Kebnekaise) is the first step towards a stable integrated distribution of compute and data management services that will deliver a broad suite of technologies for deployment in distributed computing infrastructures in Europe and beyond.
The first EMI release is focused primarily on laying the foundations for the distribution, increasing the level of integration among the original middleware stacks, improving the compatibility with mainstream operating systems' guidelines and extending the compliance with existing standards.
EMI 1 components follow more closely packaging guidelines and policies defined by Fedora, introduce widespread compliance with the File Hierarchy Standard (FHS), make extensive use of off-the-shelf packages from the OS distribution or major downstream repositories like EPEL, reduce the dependency on less standard technologies and protocols.
EMI 1 introduced a number of changes and new functionality in response to existing user requirements in the areas of Security, Compute, Data, Information Systems.
This session will present the major highlights of EMI 1 (Kebnekaise) and current implementations towards EMI 2 (Matterhorn).
14:00 - 14:30 - "EMI 1 (Kebnekaise) Highlights, status and plans" - C. Aiftimiei
14:30 - 15:00 - "EMI 2 (Materhorn) Roadmap" - Balazs Konya
15:00 - 15:30 - "EMI Virtualization and Cloud Strategy" - Shahbaz Memon
This session will cover the following topics:
- status of deployment (regionalization, failvoer configuration) and future plans for all central operational tools (Operations portal, SAM, GOCDB, Metrics portal, broker network)
- external tools (gstat, ace)
- Availability calculation updates
. new site availability algorithms
. core services availability
. operational tools availability
Portals, portlets and science gateways provide simple mechanisms for users to interact with grid and cloud computing services and with the community-related functions offered within the European Grid Infrastructure. Portal frameworks, portlet repositories, “iframe” encapsulation of content enables EGI user support teams to customise and integrate third party services according to their customers’ needs.
EGI aims to support development effort from the area for the benefit of EGI Virtual Research Communities through the sharing of beast practices. The workshop aims to bring together three groups from EGI – portal technology providers, NGI support teams, VRCs – to discuss and answer the following series of questions:
What kind of portal-related technologies and best practices are the most widely used and are emerging within the EGI community? How many and which VRCs and NGIs are supporting these?
What requirements do the user and operation communities have concerning the usage, operation, integration and further-development of portals, portlets and iframes?
How could a wider and harmonised adoption of these technologies be facilitated within EGI? What role should and the NGIs play in this process?
The workshop consists of 2 x 90 minutes long sessions. The first slot includes presentations given by the most active and experienced portal provider and user communities from the NGIs and VRCs. The second slot is allocated to discussion where requirements and issues can be analysed and where an action plan concerning the wider adoption of EGI portal technologies can be drafted.
• Welcome and introduction
• Status reports
• Report by Marcin Radecki, ICM, Poland
• Report by Rebecca Breu, Jülich, Germany
• Management interface GOCDB
• Monitoring interface SAM
• Accounting interface
• EGI Accounting Plans, John Gordon, STFC
• User Membership Management
• Argus Overview, Oscar Koeroo, Nikhef
• Unicore and Argus Integration, Krzysztof Benedyczak, ICM (slides shown by Gert Svensson)
• Next meeting
This session provides an opportunity for EGI and collaborating NGIs, EIROs, DCI projects and others to present their latest research, developments, findings, visions in the virtualization and cloud computing area.
This would be an opportunity to set out the EGI federated virtualized infrastructure vision to a wider technical audience, and for technology providers to indicate how they are addressing the challenges.
* Scientific Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Federated Virtualized Infrastructure
* Cloud operations including experiences operating grid sites
* DCI project technology updates
* Scientific use of cloud resources
Early this year, produced an EGI Sustainability Plan providing a comprehensive list of the wide range of services that EGI provides and outlined a taxonomy of potential revenue streams in order to sustain these services for future discussion and exploration. As a preliminary assessment, the identified revenue streams started to be matched to the services provided.
This workshop represents a step forward in the preparation of the next iteration of the EGI sustainability plan. In preparation for this event, a survey was circulated among NGIs/EIROs and a report has been produced (
During the first part of this session, the general challenge of EGI sustainability as dependent to the sustainability of its ecosystem entities (e.g., NGIs/EIROs, User Communities, Technology Providers, will be depicted and the results of the survey will be presented. Furthermore, a representative of an NGI, a User Community and a Technology Provider will provide its view on the matter. A panel discussion will serve to better explore the value proposition of each participating entities.
The second session is more educational and is targeted at explaining what a business model is and details about what are they key components to describe it. Furthermore, insights on value proposition, service portfolio and revenue streams for EGI will be depicted. A real example for a possible EGI business model will be provided. A panel discussion will close the session.
The target audience is all representatives from NGIs/EIROs, user communities and technology providers that are involved in exploring and defining the sustainability plan of their own organizations. Experts in the area of business models are also welcome to contribute to the discussion.
The expected outcomes from the session are:
- All participants will learn about the results of the preparatory survey circulated amongst EGI (associated) participants (NGIs/EIROs)
- All participants will have a more clear understanding of the EGI eco-system sustainability challenge and its dependency to its components’ sustainability
- All participants will gain a common understanding on business models and its related building blocks are so to establish a common ground to develop them for the various actors in the EGI eco-system
- All participants will contribute in refining the value proposition for NGI to its resource centres, EGI to its end-users, to its NGIs/EIROs, Technology Providers to resource centres, Technology Providers to end-users
- NGIs/EIROs/user community representatives will become more engaged on developing their business models and sustainability strategy in connection with
- All participants will contribute to the drafting of business models for NGIs and
Welcome and introduction
Status reports
Globus in UMD
- Report from Early Adaptor, Matteo Lanati, LRZ
Management interface GOCDB
Monitoring interface SAM
Accounting interface
- Grid-SAFE overview and status, Stephen Crouch, SSI
- UK experiment with Grid-SAFE, John Gordon, STFC
User Membership Management
- Argus and Globus, Oscar Koeroo, Nikhef
Next meetings
Many NGIs use operational tools that are developed locally and not within any international projects. These include accounting and monitoring tools, helpdesks systems, factory management systems and maybe many others. Such tools are not well known to other NGIs, this session should be an occasion to advertise such NGI internal products that can be useful to the entire operations community.
Portals, portlets and science gateways provide simple mechanisms for users to interact with grid and cloud computing services and with the community-related functions offered within the European Grid Infrastructure. Portal frameworks, portlet repositories, “iframe” encapsulation of content enables EGI user support teams to customise and integrate third party services according to their customers’ needs.
EGI aims to support development effort from the area for the benefit of EGI Virtual Research Communities through the sharing of beast practices. The workshop aims to bring together three groups from EGI – portal technology providers, NGI support teams, VRCs – to discuss and answer the following series of questions:
What kind of portal-related technologies and best practices are the most widely used and are emerging within the EGI community? How many and which VRCs and NGIs are supporting these?
What requirements do the user and operation communities have concerning the usage, operation, integration and further-development of portals, portlets and iframes?
How could a wider and harmonised adoption of these technologies be facilitated within EGI? What role should and the NGIs play in this process?
The workshop consists of 2 x 90 minutes long sessions. The first slot includes presentations given by the most active and experienced portal provider and user communities from the NGIs and VRCs. The second slot is allocated to discussion where requirements and issues can be analysed and where an action plan concerning the wider adoption of EGI portal technologies can be drafted.
This session provides an opportunity for EGI and collaborating NGIs, EIROs, DCI projects and others to present their latest research, developments, findings, visions in the virtualization and cloud computing area.
This would be an opportunity to set out the EGI federated virtualized infrastructure vision to a wider technical audience, and for technology providers to indicate how they are addressing the challenges.
* Scientific Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Federated Virtualized Infrastructure
* Cloud operations including experiences operating grid sites
* DCI project technology updates
* Scientific use of cloud resources
EGI is a partnership between National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) and a coordinating body, named to operate a sustainable, pan-European Grid infrastructure for international scientific communities. NGIs are national legal entities charged with taking care of grid infrastructure related matters in their own countries. One of the objectives of EGI and particularly of members of the EGI-InSPIRE project is to expand access to the services of the European Grid Infrastructure to new user communities including new potential heavy users of the infrastructure from the ESFRI projects. aims to facilitate this process by developing an “EGI-NGI Roadshow” event model for NGIs. An EGI Roadshow event consists of presentations and optional demos or hands on sessions. The presentations introduce the goals, structure and services of EGI, while the demos and hands-on sessions demonstrate some of these services in practice for the sudience. The EGI Roadshow model not only provides ready-to-use content for NGI dissemination and training teams, but also includes instructions and best practices on how and which communities should NGIs invite for roadshow events. The model is customisable for local needs of the NGI and the audience.
The session will present the roadshow model for NGIs and NGI representatives who attend the session are expected to organise and deliver events within their own countries from October.
The Roadshow model is currently under development by the User Community Support Team of During the 90 minutes long session the elements of the model will be presented. The session aims to be a “Training the trainers” type of event, where representatives from NGIs can learn how to organise and run EGI information events within their countries/regions. Attendees will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on the roadshow model itself.
The EMI Security Infrastructure and strategy has been defined and deployed in the first year of the project. As the second year continues there will be additions made and strategy refinements.
This can be a 90min session devoted to the Security directions that are/will be taken in the EMI project. Contributions can include the current and Security infrastructure (Architecture).
Integration of common components inside the EMI stack, AAI services and possibilities for secured usage of EMI services through pseudo-anonymous identities and encrypted data storage.
SIENA, the Standards and Interoperability for eInfrastructure Implementation Initiative (2010-2012), is focused on delivering a Roadmap creating a common vision for the future evolution of European Research and an integrated standards-based, interoperable European e-Infrastructure. This builds upon the knowledge, assets, best practices, policies and capabilities of the six European Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) to provide value to all stakeholders in Research, Government and Industry.
The main goal of the workshop is to focus on DCI assets for the purpose of serving the eScience community and identifying standards required to make these assets interoperable. The workshop features a presentation from Carl Christian Buhr, Member of the Cabinet of Neelie Kroes European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, as well as insights into the various assets that the EC-funded DCI and ESFRI projects can offer in the areas of eScience, Industry and eGovernment. Effective dialogue between stakeholder participants will be ensured through an Open Discussion on technical challenges, eGovernment, industry uptake, and call to action.
This session provides an opportunity for EGI and collaborating NGIs, EIROs, DCI projects and others to present their latest research, developments, findings, visions in the virtualization and cloud computing area.
This would be an opportunity to set out the EGI federated virtualized infrastructure vision to a wider technical audience, and for technology providers to indicate how they are addressing the challenges.
* Scientific Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Federated Virtualized Infrastructure
* Cloud operations including experiences operating grid sites
* DCI project technology updates
* Scientific use of cloud resources
The goal of the e-FISCAL project is to analyse the costs of the current European dedicated HTC and HPC computing e-Infrastructures for research, compare them with equivalent commercial leased or on-demand offerings and provide an evaluation report. The cost of the national computing e-Infrastructures will be analysed in relation to its components that correspond to the recurring operating costs (Opex – Operating expenditures) that will include the operation of the hardware and the human support necessary to successfully exploit the hardware (system administrators, user support, training, application porting, managers, etc.) and the cost related to the investments in infrastructure (Capex – Capital Expenditures). Other methods will complement this approach. Information will be collected mainly through questionnaires and interviews triggered by the e-FISCAL project workshop.
The e-FISCAL workshop aims to provide an introduction to the project and stimulate an initial discussion and feedback with regard to e-Fiscal draft questionnaire that will made available to the participants before the session. The session will start with a brief introduction from the Project director outlining the goals and the work-plan of the e-Fiscal project. The second presentation will review the state-of-the-art on costs and business models for e-Infrastructures. Finally, the third presentation will show a draft of the e-FISCAL questionnaire, followed by open discussion and feedback from the participants.
The target audience is EGI/NGI representatives, PRACE and HPC centers representatives and related financial experts including industrial representatives and financial experts from Cloud computing; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in financial matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome to participate in the session.
For the e-FISCAL representatives the workshop serves as an opportunity to directly engage with the community ensuring active participation from related stakeholders. For the participants – the workshop offers an opportunity to understand the scope of the project and the requirements needed to complete the e-Fiscal questionnaire in order to obtain quality data that will be used in further cost estimation and analysis. Participants will also have the chance to engage in a focused discussion in order to better evaluate the importance of the e-Fiscal project for improving the decision-making process in the expansion and changes in operations and technology application, evolution and sustainability planning of e-Infrastructures, introduction of business models and energy saving through green computing.
- Introduction to e-Fiscal Project (15')
- Setting the Scene for e-Infrastructures Cost Analysis and Sustainability Plans (15')
- Presenting the e-Fiscal Methodology and Draft Questionnaire (15')
- Open discussion stimulated by the methodology and questionnaire
supported by a panel (45')
The CHAIN project, in cooperation with EUIndiaGrid2, EUMEDGRID-Support and GISELA, organises a workshop that is a follow-up of the Workshops organised at ISGC 2011 in Taipei and at the EGI UF in Vilnius. The former was focused on interoperation and interoperability between EU and Asia, while the latter was mainly concentrated on the matching of the VRC requirements with the services offered by the eInfrastructure providers.
This workshop proposes to make a step forward investigating the needs of VRC regarding interoperations and interoperability, possibly demonstrating the existing solutions developed until now and discussing the standards that are ready to be adopted.
At the date of the EGI TF, CHAIN will have signed MoUs with some VRCs and can thus show the preliminary results of these collaborations.
The interoperations among regional infrastructures both at the operational and organizational levels is one of the CHAIN's major goals.
GISELA (, which started on 1st September 2010, aims at
• Ensuring the long-term sustainability of its e-Infrastructure in Latin American and the Caribbean by implementing the NGI / LGI sustainability model proposed by EELA-2 (, in association with CLARA and collaborating with EGI.
• Providing full support to the EELA-2 User Communities whose research investigations are carried out at the institution level or in small collaborations, and to the larger VRCs spanning Latin America and Europe and using this Infrastructure.
The workshop is expected to analyse the progress made since the Vilnius User Forum in the matching of User Communities’ requirements and Resource Providers’ plans. Hopefully it will help to pinpoint the remaining critical issues and the necessary technical developments, if any, that still need to be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of the VRCs.
EGI, CHAIN, GISELA, EUIndiaGRid2 and EUMEDGRID-Support will make use of the outcomes of the workshop to better solve the issues related to the involvement of Virtual Research Communities in the usage of Grid infrastructures.
This session will present the new and/or revised security policies that the EGI Security Policy Group has been working on during the last 12 months. This is aimed at an audience of operations staff, CSIRTs, NGIs, VO managers, other Infrastructures and indeed anyone interested in learning about the new work in the area of security policy. Feedback and comments will be very welcome.
The Resource Centres are at the heart of the EGI High Throughput Computing infrastructure: they contribute resources, requirements and expertise, and have the potential to extend the EGI service offer and the current user base by supporting a wider group of disciplines and user communities who need high capacity for their data-intensive computing needs. The extension of the current user base is essential for the consolidation and long-term sustainability of EGI, of the NGIs and the Centres themselves.
The Resource Centre Forum is an opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the EGI Ecosystem, and to share expertise and plans with other computing centres. The Resource Centre Forum will address the following areas:
Resource Centre and NGI representatives are invited to participate.
SIENA, the Standards and Interoperability for eInfrastructure Implementation Initiative (2010-2012), is focused on delivering a Roadmap creating a common vision for the future evolution of European Research and an integrated standards-based, interoperable European e-Infrastructure. This builds upon the knowledge, assets, best practices, policies and capabilities of the six European Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) to provide value to all stakeholders in Research, Government and Industry.
The main goal of the workshop is to focus on DCI assets for the purpose of serving the eScience community and identifying standards required to make these assets interoperable. The workshop features a presentation from Carl Christian Buhr, Member of the Cabinet of Neelie Kroes European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, as well as insights into the various assets that the EC-funded DCI and ESFRI projects can offer in the areas of eScience, Industry and eGovernment. Effective dialogue between stakeholder participants will be ensured through an Open Discussion on technical challenges, eGovernment, industry uptake, and call to action.
Within EGI the model for scalable user support is the Virtual Research Community (VRC). This model serves both large and small communities by offering structured research communities a sustainable mechanism with which to interact with EGI. VRCs are groups of researchers, possibly widely dispersed, working together effectively through the use of information and communications technology (ICT). With the help of EGI the VRC researchers can collaborate, communicate, share resources, access remote computers or equipment and produce results as effectively as if they, and the resources they require, were physically co-located. EGI through its partners provides a set of services for VRCs, which includes the following:
While VRCs benefit from these existing services they also develop and operate services that would be in the interest of other VRCs.
The 2 x 90 minutes long session provides opportunity for VRCs and user communities to present their experiences and plans of being part of the EGI community and about the services they (will) use and offer within the European Grid Infrastructure.
The representatives of the EGI User Community Support activity will introduce the services provided by EGI for VRCs, including the Application Database, the Training Marketplace and the Services for Virtual Organisations.
The CHAIN project, in cooperation with EUIndiaGrid2, EUMEDGRID-Support and GISELA, organises a workshop that is a follow-up of the Workshops organised at ISGC 2011 in Taipei and at the EGI UF in Vilnius. The former was focused on interoperation and interoperability between EU and Asia, while the latter was mainly concentrated on the matching of the VRC requirements with the services offered by the eInfrastructure providers.
This workshop proposes to make a step forward investigating the needs of VRC regarding interoperations and interoperability, possibly demonstrating the existing solutions developed until now and discussing the standards that are ready to be adopted.
At the date of the EGI TF, CHAIN will have signed MoUs with some VRCs and can thus show the preliminary results of these collaborations.
The interoperations among regional infrastructures both at the operational and organizational levels is one of the CHAIN's major goals.
GISELA (, which started on 1st September 2010, aims at
• Ensuring the long-term sustainability of its e-Infrastructure in Latin American and the Caribbean by implementing the NGI / LGI sustainability model proposed by EELA-2 (, in association with CLARA and collaborating with EGI.
• Providing full support to the EELA-2 User Communities whose research investigations are carried out at the institution level or in small collaborations, and to the larger VRCs spanning Latin America and Europe and using this Infrastructure.
The workshop is expected to analyse the progress made since the Vilnius User Forum in the matching of User Communities’ requirements and Resource Providers’ plans. Hopefully it will help to pinpoint the remaining critical issues and the necessary technical developments, if any, that still need to be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of the VRCs.
EGI, CHAIN, GISELA, EUIndiaGRid2 and EUMEDGRID-Support will make use of the outcomes of the workshop to better solve the issues related to the involvement of Virtual Research Communities in the usage of Grid infrastructures.
The Resource Centres are at the heart of the EGI High Throughput Computing infrastructure: they contribute resources, requirements and expertise, and have the potential to extend the EGI service offer and the current user base by supporting a wider group of disciplines and user communities who need high capacity for their data-intensive computing needs. The extension of the current user base is essential for the consolidation and long-term sustainability of EGI, of the NGIs and the Centres themselves.
The Resource Centre Forum is an opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the EGI Ecosystem, and to share expertise and plans with other computing centres. The Resource Centre Forum will address the following areas:
Resource Centre and NGI representatives are invited to participate.
SIENA, the Standards and Interoperability for eInfrastructure Implementation Initiative (2010-2012), is focused on delivering a Roadmap creating a common vision for the future evolution of European Research and an integrated standards-based, interoperable European e-Infrastructure. This builds upon the knowledge, assets, best practices, policies and capabilities of the six European Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) to provide value to all stakeholders in Research, Government and Industry.
The main goal of the workshop is to focus on DCI assets for the purpose of serving the eScience community and identifying standards required to make these assets interoperable. The workshop features a presentation from Carl Christian Buhr, Member of the Cabinet of Neelie Kroes European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, as well as insights into the various assets that the EC-funded DCI and ESFRI projects can offer in the areas of eScience, Industry and eGovernment. Effective dialogue between stakeholder participants will be ensured through an Open Discussion on technical challenges, eGovernment, industry uptake, and call to action.
Within EGI the model for scalable user support is the Virtual Research Community (VRC). This model serves both large and small communities by offering structured research communities a sustainable mechanism with which to interact with EGI. VRCs are groups of researchers, possibly widely dispersed, working together effectively through the use of information and communications technology (ICT). With the help of EGI the VRC researchers can collaborate, communicate, share resources, access remote computers or equipment and produce results as effectively as if they, and the resources they require, were physically co-located. EGI through its partners provides a set of services for VRCs, which includes the following:
While VRCs benefit from these existing services they also develop and operate services that would be in the interest of other VRCs.
The 2 x 90 minutes long session provides opportunity for VRCs and user communities to present their experiences and plans of being part of the EGI community and about the services they (will) use and offer within the European Grid Infrastructure.
The representatives of the EGI User Community Support activity will introduce the services provided by EGI for VRCs, including the Application Database, the Training Marketplace and the Services for Virtual Organisations.
Everyone welcome but probably only of use to those who already have their own accounting systems which publish data to APEL or who plan to soon.
The European Middleware Initiative (EMI)
aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components
for deployment in Distributed Computing Infrastructures, extending the
interoperability between grids and other computing
infrastructures, strengthening the reliability of the services, and
establish a sustainable model to maintain and
evolve the middleware, fulfilling the requirements of user
EMI middleware is not build from ground up, but rather,
delivers a consolidated and streamlined set of services and
components from existing middleware projects ARC, gLite, UNICORE and dCache by
re-factoring existing components, defining and implementing standards
and phasing out duplicate or obsolete
components from the original middleware stacks. The middleware
components are divided in four areas (Compute, Data, Security,
Infrastructure). This tutorial will introduce usage of most commonly used clients
for job and data management.
This user oriented tutorial is based on the first release of the EMI middleware, EMI-1 "Kebnekaise".
It will provide an overview of EMI clients
for Computing and Data Services, giving concrete examples and highlighting best practices
and most common mistakes.
The stated goal of EGI is to provide significant added value for existing and new user communities. The main providers of User Support service in EGI are National Grid Initiatives (NGIs), under the coordination of the User Community Support Team (UCST) of in Amsterdam. While NGI teams primarily serve national users, using the communication and coordination services by UCST the needs of multi-national, structured scientific user communities can be also addressed by NGIs.
The session presents the structure and achievements of NGI user support activities, through a sample of presentations by NGIs with active user support teams. The presentations will provide information about various reusable human and software services and best practices that NGIs develop and use, for training, application access, application porting, portal development, documentation, VO setup and testing.
Report on preliminary steps on the accounting for new resource types (TJRA1.4) and next steps.
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
These sessions highlight the key results from the SA3 workpackage which focusses on the needs of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs). The HUCs include High Energy Physics (HEP), Life Sciences (LS), Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), Earth Sciences (ES), each of which is supported by a dedicated task, together with Shared Tools and Services which support these and other communities (including a number outside the HUC domain).
Report on preliminary steps on the accounting for new resource types (TJRA1.4) and next steps.
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
These sessions highlight the key results from the SA3 workpackage which focusses on the needs of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs). The HUCs include High Energy Physics (HEP), Life Sciences (LS), Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), Earth Sciences (ES), each of which is supported by a dedicated task, together with Shared Tools and Services which support these and other communities (including a number outside the HUC domain).
Following the Desktop Grid session at EGI UF in Vilnius which had its focus more on applications, we now propose a session that focuses more on the infrastructure. How can you connect Desktop Grids into EGI infrastructures. We will show howto's for gLite, based on long time experiences.
In addition the EDGI project, the organiser of this session has also build a bridge between Arc based Grids and Desktop grids. First results and experiences will be reported here.
The proposal is to have 3 parts in the session.
- A training part, including an overview of all technologies.
- An introduction to the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) and activities and services useful for EGI/NGI infrastructure providers, sys admins, and Grid operators. IDGF is a lively community with over 25 research organisations as participant.
- An infrastructure overview. It shows how the 150.000+ computers in EDGI connected Desktop Grids are bridged into gLite and Arc based Grids. The DEGISCO project operates a similar infrastructure (with some overlap).
9h00 - 10h15 Part 1 - Training session (three IDGF training modules)
10h15 - 10h45 Part 2 - Desktop Grids intro and IDGF overview
10h45 - 11h15 Break
11h15 - 12h30 Part 3 - Infrastructure overview
Adding quality of service to Desktop Grids with SpeQulos: Simon Delamare
Connecting YoYo@home: Robert Lovas
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
Following the Desktop Grid session at EGI UF in Vilnius which had its focus more on applications, we now propose a session that focuses more on the infrastructure. How can you connect Desktop Grids into EGI infrastructures. We will show howto's for gLite, based on long time experiences.
In addition the EDGI project, the organiser of this session has also build a bridge between Arc based Grids and Desktop grids. First results and experiences will be reported here.
The proposal is to have 3 parts in the session.
- A training part, including an overview of all technologies.
- An introduction to the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) and activities and services useful for EGI/NGI infrastructure providers, sys admins, and Grid operators. IDGF is a lively community with over 25 research organisations as participant.
- An infrastructure overview. It shows how the 150.000+ computers in EDGI connected Desktop Grids are bridged into gLite and Arc based Grids. The DEGISCO project operates a similar infrastructure (with some overlap).
9h00 - 10h15 Part 1 - Training session (three IDGF training modules)
10h15 - 10h45 Part 2 - Desktop Grids intro and IDGF overview
10h45 - 11h15 Break
11h15 - 12h30 Part 3 - Infrastructure overview
Adding quality of service to Desktop Grids with SpeQulos: Simon Delamare
Connecting YoYo@home: Robert Lovas
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
Key Results from the Services for Heavy User Communities (SA3) Workpackage
These sessions highlight the key results from the SA3 workpackage which focusses on the needs of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs). The HUCs include High Energy Physics (HEP), Life Sciences (LS), Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), Earth Sciences (ES), each of which is supported by a dedicated task, together with Shared Tools and Services which support these and other communities (including a number outside the HUC domain).
Key issues for SA3 are sustainability and the (related) drive towards common solutions.
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
The User Forum will showcase the most relevant scientific and technological results achieved by Virtual Research Communities supported by the project and those existing around the world and will be an occasion to discuss policies and plans for the long term sustainability of regional e-infrastructures in the Mediterranean area.
The event will bring together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, service providers and users involved in Grid technology and Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI), as well as policy makers and government representatives.
The User Forum will feature invited keynote addresses and refereed paper presentations through an open call for papers. The selected papers will published in the User Forum Proceedings.
The call for papers is open at
Important dates are:
1. Deadline for abstract submssion: 29 July 2011;
2. Acceptance notification: 5 August 2011;
3. Camera ready papers: 9 September 2011.
Report on preliminary steps on the accounting for new resource types (TJRA1.4) and next steps.
Key Results from the Services for Heavy User Communities (SA3) Workpackage
These sessions highlight the key results from the SA3 workpackage which focusses on the needs of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs). The HUCs include High Energy Physics (HEP), Life Sciences (LS), Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), Earth Sciences (ES), each of which is supported by a dedicated task, together with Shared Tools and Services which support these and other communities (including a number outside the HUC domain).
Key issues for SA3 are sustainability and the (related) drive towards common solutions.
The European Middleware Initiative (EMI)
aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components
for deployment in Distributed Computing Infrastructures, extending the
interoperability between grids and other computing
infrastructures, strengthening the reliability of the services, and
establish a sustainable model to maintain and
evolve the middleware, fulfilling the requirements of user
EMI middleware is not build from ground up, but rather,
delivers a consolidated and streamlined set of services and
components from existing middleware projects ARC, gLite, UNICORE and dCache by
re-factoring existing components, defining and implementing standards
and phasing out duplicate or obsolete
components from the original middleware stacks. The middleware
components are divided in four areas (Compute, Data, Security,
Infrastructure). This tutorial will introduce usage of most commonly used clients
for job and data management.
This user oriented tutorial is based on the first release of the EMI middleware, EMI-1 "Kebnekaise".
It will provide an overview of EMI clients
for Computing and Data Services, giving concrete examples and highlighting best practices
and most common mistakes.
Report on preliminary steps on the accounting for new resource types (TJRA1.4) and next steps.